Employee and Policy Manuals
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Employee & Policy Manuals
1. What type of Rental Business do you have?
General Rental: 45% (14 responses)
Party Rental: 26% (8 responses)
Both: 29% (9 responses)
2. Do you have an employee handbook? (An employee handbook addresses required legal rules of employment.)
Yes: 87% (27 responses)
No: 13% (4 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Keep thinking I need to do this.
2. Outdated.
3. Do employees receive a handbook?
Yes: 89% (24 responses)
No: 11% (3 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Online.
2. Be sure to have all employees sign that they received it.
3. Ok.
4. I’ve been relaxed on doing this. Time to make some updates to the manual.
5. Via our electronic HR program.
4. How often do you review your handbook?
Annually: 52% (14 responses)
Every 2 years: 22% (6 responses)
Every 3 years: 4% (1 responses)
Every 4 years: 0 responses
Every 5 years: 7% (2 responses)
Other (please specify): 13% (4 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Good question.
2. Laws and interpretations change quickly.
3. Not often enough.
4. Been longer than that. Honestly I forgot.
5. Do you have an arbitration agreement that can limit employment claims to arbitration?
Yes: 64% (16 responses)
No: 36% (9 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Not yet, in process.
2. Yes but with the new interpretation, it is being revised to eliminate class action suits.
3. Good question. Does CRA have a sample?
6. Do employees sign for receipt of the handbook?
Yes: 89% (24 responses)
No: 11% (3 responses)
Additional comment:
1. Electronically.
7. Do you know that CRA has employment counsel who provides a reasonable service for preparation and/or review of handbooks?
Yes: 71% (20 responses)
No: 29% (8 responses)
Additional comments:
1. I used him!
2. Peter Sloan Esq. does a annual review for us.
8. Do you have a separate policy manual? (A policy manual addresses in-house rules, how to dress, phone procedures, handling of customers, etc.)
Yes: 43% (12 responses)
No: 57% (16 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Not a separate policy, all in one.
2 Employee handbook covers house rules, how to dress. Training manuals address the phone
procedures, handling of customers and other job specific tasks. Much of this is likewise covered in
and "on-boarding” walk-thru of premises.
3. Outdated.
4. Same document.
5. Good idea.
9. How often do you review your Policy Manual?
Annually: 55% (6 responses)
Every 2 years: 27% (3 responses)
Every 3 years: 0 responses
Every 4 years: 0 responses
Every 5 years: 0 responses
Other (please specify): 18% (2 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Tends to be an on-going process. Especially as related to training issues. As laws change/update we similarly update manuals; the nuances of breaks, lunch periods, sick pay come to mind.
2. Continually throughout the year.
10. Additional survey comments:
1. God Bless the California Rental Association and God Bless America!
2. Thank you.
3. Peter Sloan and Les Chayo questions pay for my dues!