Sub-Rental Survey
1. What type of Rental Business do you have?
General Rental: 58% (21 responses)
Party Rental: 31% (11 responses)
Both: 11% (4 responses)
2. Do you sub-rent to your competition?
Yes: 92% (33 responses)
No: 8% (3 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Only on rare occasions.
2. Only if they take care of equipment and pay their bills on time.
3. We don’t practice this as a general rule; however, on occasion we will re-rent from a competitor that we are friendly with.
4. Sub-rentals have always been a part of our business for 51 years.
5. My competition is larger than I am. They subrent to me.
6. No chain stores.
3. Are there any items you do not sub-rent?
Yes: 19% (6 responses) (Please list items items in comments.)
No: 81% (25 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Last one in stock.
2. One of a kind items. Farm tables. Chairs at graduation season. Tents. Staging.
3. Farm tables.
4. Expensive equipment-marg machines, etc.
5. Wood chairs and tents.
4. Do you discount sub-rental items?
Yes: 91% (29 responses)
No: 9% (3 responses)
Additional comments:
1. 20% discount. (2 responses)
2. Not all items.
3. 10 or 20 percent.
4. Standard 20%.
5. National chains get no discount; local companies get 20% discount.
5. How much do you discount?
10%: 10% (3 responses)
15%: 0%
20%: 6% (18 responses)
25%: 0%
Other (please specify): 28% (8 responses)
1. Different places, different discounts.
2. Depends on who or what.
3. 10 or 20.
4. Or we work with other independent rental companies pricing issues on a bid basis.
5. 10% party, 20% tool.
6. 10-20%.
7. 20% on most items. 10% on linen and china.
8. 10-20% depending on season.
6. Additional survey comments:
1. We have a good relationship with all our competitors. You never know when you will need them.
2. I have avoided the large rerent companies such as Big Rents and so forth as they are not in the
same arena as the rest of us.
3. We also extend flexible days to pick up and return items for a one day charge.