1. What type of Rental Business do you have?
General Rental: 57% (17 responses)
Party Rental: 23% (7 responses)
Both: 20% (6 responses)
2. How many people did your company employ before COVID-19?
Less than 20 Employees: 60% (18 responses)
20 to 50 Employees: 13% (4 responses)
50 to 100 Employees: 23% (7 responses)
100 to 500 Employees: 3% (1 responses)
3. How many people does your company employee during the COVID-19?
1. 2.
2. 15.
3. Same, no changes.
4. 9.
5. Two stores with total of 9 employees..
6. 7.
7. We’ve furloughed them all..
8. 5.
9. All.
10. 14.
11. 0.
12. 27.
13. 12.
14. 0.
15. 3.
16. 63.
17. 1.
18. About 85.
19. One less.
20. Five.
21. 11.
22. The same so far.
23. 6 full time, 2 part time.
24. Cut hours only, so far.
25. 17.
26. One.
27. Same.
28. 70.
4. During the COVID-19 pandemic, has your company seen any of the following?
Less customer demand: 94% (29 responses)
Same customer demand: 6% (2 responses)
More customer demand: 0% (0 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Nonexistant above snowline, holding own below snowline.
2. No customer demand.
3. None.
4. The event industry has totally collapsed due to government intervention.
5. We’re closed up completely.
6. Everything has been cancelled through June - all of our big events..
7. We have busy and slow days, the phones are steady.
8. Business is slower but steady.
5. How much do you think your company’s revenue will drop in 2020 because of COVID-19?
Less than 10%: 3% (1 responses)
10% to 30%: 47% (14 responses)
30% to 50%: 27% (8 responses)
More than 50%: 13% (4 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Not sure what rest of year will hold.
2. 43%.
3. Our first quarter is off by 29%.
6. How long do you believe the effects of COVID-19 will hurt your business?
1 to 6 months: 50% (15 responses)
6 to 12 months: 33% (10 responses)
12 to 18 months: 10% (3 responses)
More than 18 months: 7% (2 responses)
7. Has your company laid off any full-time employees as a result of COVID-19?
Yes: 59% (17 responses)
No: 41% (12 responses)
Additional comments:
1. 1.
2. Everyone.
3. 1 full time and 5 part time.
4. I didn’t have any full time before. Everyone is part time.
5. Furloughed.
6. Most are on paid vacation.
8. Has your company reduced the hours of full-time, hourly employees due to COVID-19?
Yes: 83% (25 responses)
No: 10% (3 responses)
Additional comments:
1. 40 hours per week.
2. Zero hours.
3. N/A.
4. Only at one store.
5. Not yet, but if this continues, there will be layoffs.
6. 7am-1pm, 6 days per day.
9. Has your company implemented any furlough days or salary cuts due to COVID-19?
Yes: 37% (11 responses)
No: 63% (19 responses)
Additional comments:
1. No salary cuts, furloughed 5 persons.
2. Paying medical for all on our plan.
10. How worried are you that COVID-19 could permanently close your business in 2020?
Extremely worried: 13% (4 responses)
Worried: 20% (6 responses)
Somewhat worried: 27% (8 responses)
Not worried: 40% (12 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Dang, I am glad we aren’t in Party.
11. Have you applied for the SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)?
Yes: 59% (17 responses)
No: 38% (11 responses)
Additional comments:
1. I don’t need another loan.
2. Working on it today.
3. Not enough money, too short term..
4. Applying soon.
5. We are considering however.
6. Very cumbersome.
7. Not yet but considering it.
12. Survey Ideas
1. How many rental operators are initiating conversations with elected officials on how to open the economy?
2. Do the same survey in two weeks.
3. Look into what members think of the possibility that business will be conducted in the future on virtual transactions.