Thank you to all who take time to participate in our surveys. CRA uses the information we gather to better serve you. If you have an idea for a survey for CRA members, please send your request to CRA at This month, we asked members about trailer rentals.
1. What type of Rental Business do you have?
General Rental: 63% (12 responses)
Party Rental: 16% (3 responses)
Both: 21% (4 responses)
2. Do you charge for trailers with equipment rental?
Yes: 88.89% 16
No:11.11% 2
Additional comments:
1. A nominal fee, compared to renting the trailer separately.
2. Depends on the size of the equipment they are renting.
3. yes, for the larger pieces but not for tillers, handlebar trenchers, etc.
4. Discounted rate.
5. Half price with equipment.
6. Discounted.
7. We don’t rent trailors. We can’t even spell the word correctly.
8. Except for trenchers, we feel it dangerous to load with ramps.
9. It depends on the equipment, the trailer and where they are going. Small equipment have the trailer built into the price unless they have to drive on the freeway, then we rent them a freeway-safe trailer. Larger dirt equipment, we charge a trailer rental.
3. Do you allow customers to provide their own trailer for picking up rental items?
Yes: 100% (18 responses)
No: 0% (0 responses)
Additional comments:
1. As long as the combined vehicle and trailer capacity exceeds the load that they want to take from us.
2. After inspection and checking GVWR.
3. If adequate for equipment.
4. It depends, we inspect the trailer prior to letting them leave with our equipment.
4. Do you monitor weight requirements for the customers trailer?
Yes: 89% (16 responses)
No: 11% (2 responses)
Additional comments:
1. For instance, a 3k pound capacity trailer can not take a 6k pound tractor.
2. We verify that their trailer will hold the weight of our equipment.
3. Visually.
5. Is the customer responsible to load, unload and tiedown equipment in their trailer?
Yes: 100% (18 responses)
No: 0% (0 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Ultimately they are responsible for their own load, and we can not be held responsible for damaging their trailer in the loading and unloading process.
2. We load and unload, but client ties down load.
3. Only on return.
4. But we will assist.
6. Do you monitor the tiedown in the customers trailer?
Yes: 82% 14 responses)
No: 18% (3 responses)
Additional comments:
1. The customer is responsible for the securement of the load in and/or on their trailer.
2. Our employee witnesses the customer tiedown the equipment.
3. Depends on experience.
4. We provide straps or chains and binders, and demonstrate proper tiedown points, center of gravity.
5. Only to the extent that it is tied down.
7. Why not (monitor tiedown in customer's trailer)?
There are no responses.
8. Survey Ideas
1. Repeal the minimum wage.
2. Debt collection ideas.