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From the Desk of Executive Director Richard Putnicki

I think you all would agree that saying this has been a challenging year would be an understatement. I hope this Thanksgiving Holiday season, we can put the tumultuous year aside for a moment, and pause to reflect on those things we should be thankful for. First, of course, our family and friends. Next, it is an opportunity to give thanks to those paths we have crossed in both our personal and professional lives. 

I want to sincerely THANK YOU and your organization for your continued participation with RMEL. We are all in these interesting times together, and adapting in various ways, professionally and personally. I am especially appreciative of how our industry continues to forge ahead. I really value the conversations between members (virtually, for now) and how y'all are continuing to help each other find and share solutions. Thank you for letting RMEL and the RMEL community be a part of that. 

The shift to the "Virtual World” has provided us with new found opportunities. We are thankful for the broader reach of participation we have seen from our utility companies. RMEL’s utility member participation has DOUBLED this year. We are gaining proficiency in utilizing the virtual platform in our educational offerings. I want to highlight what the RMEL Board and Education Committees are committing to you all for 2021, at this time. I say "at this time” because we are constantly looking for new ways to connect members, and I’m confident we will add to this list. 

The following member benefits will continue in 2021:

  • Complimentary Webinars for ALL members! We will continue to provide complimentary webinars (and PDH certificates) in 2021 to engage all of your employees.
  • Discounted Workshops Available! A more intensive dive into virtual technical training offerings at a discounted rate.
  • Relevant and Timely Content - The RMEL Education Section Committees, Board of Directors and the RMEL membership will stay engaged and focused on keeping content and educational venues timely and relevant to what’s happening in the industry, so you can be sure that RMEL programing is a solid investment of your time.
  • Spring Conference and Fall Convention Corporate Registration Packages - In addition to the discounted Fall and Spring registration fees, all RMEL members will be able to purchase Corporate registration packages for the Spring Conference and Fall Convention. This seemed to work really well for the 2020 Virtual Fall Convention, so we want to keep that going.
  • Library of recorded webinars and other useful videos (complimentary for RMEL members) - we are going to continue to add to the library of On Demand Webinars; additionally, we are going to start posting helpful technical videos from members - more on that soon!
  • PLUS MORE when we are allowed to meet in person again. We will be READY!

Additionally, we are thankful for the solid year of scholarship fundraising our members provided the RMEL Foundation during this year. Thank you for the Corporate and Individual Cash Donations that hit a record high.  Thanks to Holy Cross Energy for joining the list of 2021 Named Scholarship sponsors. Please help us spread the word about the 2021 RMEL Foundation Scholarship! Applications are due by February 26, 2021. Get more details here.

Wishing you all a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!


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