RMEL eNews

Rocky Mountain Electrical League

Alltricity Network Report
Education and Upcoming Events

Don't Miss These Upcoming RMEL Events
Steam Generation Cycling Symposium — February 20-21, 2019 (Overland Park, KS)
Safety Roundtable — February 22, 2019 (Westminster, CO)
Transmission Conference — March 6-7, 2019 (Lone Tree, CO)
Distribution Conference — March 26-27, 2019 (Salt Lake City, UT)
Safety  Conference — March 27-28, 2019 (Kansas City, MO)
Security Symposium — April 17-18, 2019 (Phoenix, AZ)
Spring Management, Engineering & Operations Conference — May 20-22, 2019 *NEW MONDAY-WEDNESDAY DATES* (Phoenix, AZ)
Transmission Symposium — June 12, 2019
Power Supply Planning for Modern Energy Solutions — June 19-20, 2019 (Lone Tree, CO)
RMEL Foundation Golf Tournament — June 26, 2019 (Littleton, CO)
Project Management Workshop — July 10-11, 2019 (Golden, CO)
Plant Management, Engineering and Operations Conference — August 7-8, 2019
Leadership Workshop — August 14-15, 2019 (Lone Tree, CO)
Safety Roundtable — August 23, 2019 (Golden, CO)
Fall Executive Leadership and Management Convention — September 16-18, 2019 *NEW MONDAY-WEDNESDAY DATES* (Kansas City, MO)
2020 Spring Conference Planning Session — October 3, 2019
Distribution Engineers Workshop — October 9-10, 2019 (Lone Tree, CO)
Renewable Planning & Operations Conference — October 16-17, 2019 (Lone Tree, CO)
Safety Roundtable — November 1, 2019 (Fort Collins, CO)

Visit https://www.rmel.org/RMEL/Events/List/RMEL/Events_Info/List_of_Events.aspx?hkey=caf67ebf-969d-42dd-815f-43eab06040da to view the full article online.

Burns & McDonnell
Alltricity Network Member Information
Black & Veatch Proven EPC Solutions
Black & Veatch Corporation
Black & Veatch offers engineering, procurement and construction services with a more than 100-year legacy of creating a better world for humanity today, and for generations to come. We solve clients’ problems with EPC and design-build services in Distributed Energy, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables, Telecommunications and Water. Through our wholly owned construction affiliates, Black & Veatch offers in-house construction solutions and the ability to execute all types of projects.
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Industry Information
The electric power industry is increasingly having to evaluate the growing penetration of distributed energy resources.







Visit https://www.electricity-today.com/smart-grid/how-much-der-fits to view the full article online.

The board of Southwest Power Pool (SPP) took several actions this week, including approving new rate schedules and endorsing transmission projects estimated to cost nearly $1.8 billion, which the grid operator says will be constructed over the next five years.

Visit https://www.utilitydive.com/news/southwest-power-pool-to-launch-reliability-coordinator-service-as-part-of-2/547165/ to view the full article online.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur will not seek a third term at the agency and will depart later in 2019, she announced on Twitter Thursday.

Visit https://www.utilitydive.com/news/breaking-fercs-lafleur-to-step-down/547341/ to view the full article online.

Pacific Gas & Electric filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization Tuesday in the wake of alleged liabilities for a variety of deadly and hugely expensive wildfires in northern California over the past two years.

Visit https://www.hydroworld.com/articles/2019/01/pg-e-declares-bankruptcy.html to view the full article online.

NEC Energy Solutions announced today the completion of an energy storage system for Consumers Energy. 







Visit https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2019/01/consumers-energy-to-study-energy-storage-on-its-grid-with-new-nec-system.html to view the full article online.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $42 million in project selections to support early-stage research and development (R&D) of innovative residential and commercial building technologies for energy efficiency.









Visit https://electricenergyonline.com/article/energy/category/energy-efficiency/82/745819/energy-department-announces-42-million-in-project-selections-for-innovative-buildings-research-.html to view the full article online.

In EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2019 (AEO2019) Reference case, natural gas plant liquids (NGPL) production grows by 32% between 2018 and 2050 to 5.8 million barrels per day (b/d). 

Visit https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=38192 to view the full article online.

Energy Northwest’s nuclear-powered Columbia Generating Station had its most productive year ever in 2018, generating more than 9.7 million MWh of electricity, the company reported this week.

Visit https://www.power-eng.com/articles/2019/01/columbia-nuclear-plant-achieves-all-time-high-in-mwh-output.html to view the full article online.

Most transmission projects of any significance face risks to schedules and budgets at every step—from feasibility, siting, permitting and design to construction and operation.

Visit https://www.tdworld.com/overhead-transmission/7-ways-utilities-can-minimize-schedule-and-budget-risks-environmental to view the full article online.

Member Announcements
CPS Energy kicked off the year with its Customer Program Fairs that are designed to help customers become more energy efficient and save money. 

Visit https://newsroom.cpsenergy.com/cps-energy-offers-customers-tips-on-saving-energy-and-money-at-customer-program-fairs/ to view the full article online.

El Paso Electric (EPE) has identified generation resource additions needed by the 2022-2023 summer peak season. 

Visit https://www.epelectric.com/about-el-paso-electric/article/plans-to-add-hundreds-of-mws-of-solar-energy-battery-storage-by-2023 to view the full article online.

When Great Plains Energy (the parent company of KCP&L) and Westar Energy merged in June 2018 to form Evergy, the new company promised multiple benefits to customers. 

Visit https://www.kcpl.com/about-kcpl/media-center/2019/january/kcpl-westar-merger-already-producing-benefits-for-kansas-customers to view the full article online.

Lincoln Electric System’s Sustainable Energy Program returns this year with $1.5 million in incentive funds. 

Visit https://www.les.com/about-les/news/view?article_id=113516 to view the full article online.

It has been 20 months since the 128-kilowatt solar array, located at Nebraska Public Power District’s office in Scottsbluff, went into operation sending renewable energy created on to the electric grid.

Visit https://www.nppd.com/press-releases/nppds-scottsbluff-solar-project-performing-as-expected to view the full article online.

NextEra Energy, Inc. announced that Armando Pimentel, president and Chief Executive Officer, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, the company's competitive power generation subsidiary, will be retiring on March 1, 2019. John Ketchum, currently Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of NextEra Energy, will replace Pimentel as President and CEO at NextEra Energy Resources.

Visit http://newsroom.nexteraenergy.com/2019-01-25-NextEra-Energy-announces-organizational-changes to view the full article online.

Safety of the public and employees is paramount to Omaha Public Power District, and 2018 proved to be the safest year on record for the utility in terms of employee injuries.

Visit https://www.oppd.com/news-resources/news-releases/2019/january/oppd-sets-new-safety-record-progress-shared-with-board/ to view the full article online.

Managing energy bills during the frigid winter months is often top of mind for customers. Rocky Mountain Power is now making it easier to stay on top of your energy usage year round.

Visit https://www.rockymountainpower.net/about/nr/nr2019/usage-insights-home-energy-reports.html to view the full article online.

As more drivers invest in electric vehicles (EVs), companies are looking for ways to provide perks to employees who are driving low- and zero-emission modes of transportation.





Visit https://www.srpnet.com/newsroom/releases/012419.aspx to view the full article online.

Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, the nation’s leading generation and transmission cooperative for solar energy, will more than double its emissions-free renewable energy from the sun through a new project announced today with Boulder, Colorado-based juwi Inc.

Visit https://www.tristategt.org/content/tri-state-and-juwi-announce-100-megawatt-spanish-peaks-solar-project to view the full article online.

Tucson Electric Power has partnered with Arizona-based businesses to install more than 20,000 LED bulbs to local schools this school year.

Visit https://www.tep.com/news/local-schools-receive-led-bulbs-in-tep-program/ to view the full article online.

Spectrum management—regulating the use of radio frequencies to promote efficient allocation—is critical to WAPA’s core mission.

Visit https://www.wapa.gov/newsroom/NewsFeatures/2019/Pages/spectrum-management.aspx to view the full article online.

When Xcel Energy’s Soncy Substation was built in 1962 at the intersection of what is now West Interstate 40 and Coulter Street, there was no Westgate Mall, no car dealerships or restaurants, not even an Interstate 40 to crowd the view.

Visit https://www.xcelenergy.com/company/media_room/news_releases/xcel_energy_completes_another_amarillo_upgrade to view the full article online.

White Paper
Researchers at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST) have developed nano-catalysts that can reduce the overall cost of clean energy fuel cells, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.

Visit https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190109142721.htm to view the full article online.