Alltricity Network eNews

Alltricity Network (formerly known as RMEL)

Alltricity Network Report
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Education and Upcoming Events

CANCELED - 2020 Spring Management, Engineering & Operations Conference --- May 11-13, 2020 (Austin, TX)
POSTPONED - Plant Cycling & Flexibility Symposium & Tour --- June 10-11, 2020 (Overland Park, KS)
POSTPONED - Transmission Resiliency, Response & Restoration Symposium --- June 17-18, 2020 (Denver, CO)
2020 RMEL Foundation Golf Tournament --- June 24, 2020 (Littleton, CO)
Project Management Workshop --- July 8-9, 2020 (Denver, CO)
POSTPONED - Grid-Scale Storage Workshop & Tour --- August 5-6, 2020 (Denver, CO)
Leadership Workshop --- August 12-13, 2020 (Denver, CO)
Safety Roundtable - August 2020 --- August 20, 2020 (Golden, CO)
2020 Fall Executive Leadership and Management Convention --- September 14-16, 2020 (Denver, CO)
Planning Session: 2021 Spring Conference --- October 1, 2020 (Lone Tree, CO)
Renewable Planning and Operations Conference --- October 21-22, 2020 (Denver, CO)
Transmission & Distribution Asset Management Workshop --- November 4-5, 2020 (Denver, CO)
Safety Roundtable - November 2020 --- November 5, 2020 (Fort Collins, CO)

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Alltricity Network Member Information
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Industry Information
Utilities had some good news to share on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day: customers are scoring them significantly higher on environmental stewardship. 

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The North American Electric Reliability Corp.'s (NERC) special report, Pandemic Preparedness and Operational Assessment: Spring 2020, reviews reliability considerations and operational preparedness during COVID-19. 

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A new study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory shows the value of resilience depends on too many factors to easily quantify and moves regulators back to human judgment.

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The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a proposal Wednesday that would require utilities to speed up the deployment of microgrids and other projects that could help customers during wildfire-related safety power shut-offs.

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The COVID-19 pandemic is the “biggest shock to the global energy system in more than seven decades” according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.

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The University of Utah and Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) announced FORGE Solicitation 2020-1.

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The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Fossil Energy announced up to $131 million for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) research and development (R&D) projects through one new funding opportunity announcement (FOA) and the winners of five project selections from a previous FOA. 

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The Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), the real-time energy market operated by the California Independent System Operator (ISO), reports generating $57.9 million in first-quarter gross benefits, putting the total at $919.69 million since 2014.

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More than 250 environmental groups recently petitioned House Democratic leaders to embrace the Green New Deal. They claim banning fossil fuels is the key to ending climate change.

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More than 250 environmental groups recently petitioned House Democratic leaders to embrace the Green New Deal. They claim banning fossil fuels is the key to ending climate change.

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The United States exported 96,000 barrels per day (b/d) of fuel ethanol in 2019, the first annual drop in U.S. ethanol exports since 2015.

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Grant funding from National Grid and the Massachusetts Area Planning Council (MAPC) helped pay for the new project.

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Sending everyone home from the office during a pandemic is unprecedented and problematic. Bringing them back may be an even bigger unknown.

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Wanzek Construction, Inc
Member Announcements

Walking into the WAPA Headquarters 2,555 days ago for the first time, I could never have envisioned the amazing changes, challenges and choices that have transpired or the phenomenal people, programs and progress that have led us to where we are today.


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The City of Austin has taken steps to ensure customers experiencing hardships due to COVID-19 can get immediate utility bill relief. 

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The University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources, Basin Electric and other partners are working to develop a site to store over 50 million metric tons of carbon dioxide underground.

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CPS Energy has been identified as a top utility across the nation and named one of the “Easiest Utilities to Do Business With” based on customer feedback according to the Cogent Syndicated Utility Trusted Brand & Customer Engagement™: Residential study from Escalent, a top human behavior and analytics firm.

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As a community-owned public power company, Lincoln Electric System will pay $20.9 million to local governments in 2020 through its annual payment in lieu of tax and city dividend for utility ownership.

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Khalil Dia, a 24-year employee at Nebraska Public Power District’s Cooper Nuclear Station near Brownville, has been named General Manager of Plant Operations (GMPO) effective May 1, replacing Joe Sullivan who has been named General Manager at Entergy’s Arkansas One Nuclear Power Station.


Dia has served as Engineering Director at CNS where he was responsible for the engineering department including reactor and fuel engineering since 2016.  After three years  working at Arizona Public Service’s Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station as a design engineer, Dia  joined NPPD in 1996 as a System Engineer at Cooper and later became System Engineering Supervisor in 2010 and System Engineering Manager in 2012, before his move to Engineering Director.

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NextEra Energy announced coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency assistance has surpassed $4 million in just one month's time.

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Omaha Public Power District knows our customers are facing challenges as our communities cope with COVID-19 and related issues. Whether working remotely, in quarantine, or helping children learn from home, we want to ensure power is there when you need it most.

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In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, PacifiCorp is modifying operations of its recreation sites in Wyoming until further notice.

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SRP has earned a Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)® designation from the American Public Power Association for providing  reliable and safe electric service.

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Sunflower Electric Power Corp. and Lightsource BP have announced that the Johnson Corner Solar Project entered commercial operation on April 7.

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Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (“Algonquin” or “the Company”) (TSX/NYSE:AQN), parent company of Liberty Utilities and Liberty Power, is announcing a US$500,000 donation to support communities within its service territories during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Tri-State achieved a significant milestone in its transition to be a more flexible and even cleaner power supplier through its transformative Responsible Energy Plan.

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United Power is returning $5.5 million in Capital Credits to members beginning in May and nearly every member is getting a payment. 

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With parents and teachers both looking for quality online content while students are out of school, Tucson Electric Power has begun converting our educational programs to online offerings.

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Xcel Energy has named Amanda Rome executive vice president and general counsel, effective June 1, as Scott Wilensky who has held the position since 2011, announces his retirement. 

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White Paper
An international research collaboration has taken an important step toward the commercially viable manufacture of biobutanol, an alcohol whose strong potential as a fuel for gasoline-powered engines could pave the path away from fossil fuels.

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