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Industry Information
The cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline illustrates how difficult it will be for electric utilities to protect their grids from disruption, experts say, even when attacks are primarily targeting information technology (IT) systems.

Visit https://www.utilitydive.com/news/colonial-pipeline-hack-highlights-grid-disruption-risks-even-with-it-focuse/599942/ to view the full article online.

Chelan PUD and GE Renewable Energy have reached an agreement to modernize Powerhouse II at the 624-MW Rock Island hydroelectric project.

Visit https://www.hydroreview.com/hydro-industry-news/chelan-pud-ge-team-up-for-modernization-of-624-mw-rock-island-hydroelectric/ to view the full article online.

Vineyard Wind, a joint venture between Avangrid Renewables and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), passed the final major step in the federal review process, which means it will likely become the first commercial scale offshore wind farm in the United States.  

Visit https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/wind-power/800-mw-vineyard-wind-offshore-wind-farm-to-be-first-commercial-scale-project-in-the-us/ to view the full article online.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the selection of two projects to receive a total of approximately $99 million in federal funding. 

Visit https://www.energy.gov/fe/articles/doe-awards-approximately-99-million-demonstration-large-scale-pilot-carbon-capture to view the full article online.

SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS and ENSO are the Spanish partners involved in HEROES (acronym of Hybrid EneRgy stOragE Stations), a new project funded under the European Union's Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020, that will last 36 months. 

Visit https://electricenergyonline.com/article/energy/category/ev-storage/143/898311/heroes-project-aims-to-develop-an-energy-storage-system-for-fast-electric-vehicle-charging.html to view the full article online.

Colonial Pipeline, a major delivery system spanning from the U.S. Gulf Coast to the East Coast for transportation fuels and other refined petroleum products, halted operations on Friday, May 7, to contain the effects of a cyberattack.

Visit https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=47917 to view the full article online.

If you are in charge of a powerline transmission network, the chances are that errant vegetation is one of the major banes of your life.

Visit https://www.power-grid.com/executive-insight/powerline-vegetation-management-using-ai-to-see-the-wood-for-the-trees/ to view the full article online.

New Jersey-based utility Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), which previously reaffirmed its commitment to maintain its nuclear fleet and divest of most other generation assets, has found a buyer for its Solar Source portfolio.

Visit https://www.power-eng.com/emissions/pseg-shedding-solar-assets-as-it-holds-on-to-carbon-free-nuclear-fleet/ to view the full article online.

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger revealed over the weekend that Greg Abel, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway’s vast electric power generation business would be taking over from them some day.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2021/05/03/buffett-finally-names-berkshire-hathaway-heir---foreshadowing-future-focus-on-electric-sector/?sh=565de1517fa9 to view the full article online.

National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) is using transformational technology to unlock 1.5 GW of network capacity — enough renewable energy to power one million homes — supporting the United Kingdom's net-zero ambitions.

Visit https://www.tdworld.com/overhead-transmission/article/21163434/national-grid-uk-announces-worlds-first-largescale-use-of-power-flow-technology to view the full article online.

When Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Germany will aim to reach net-zero emissions by 2045, Frank Peter was surprised. His think tank, Agora Energiewende, had only a week before published an in-depth report laying out a path to accomplishing that ambitious goal—but they didn’t think Merkel would actually set it. 

Visit https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-11/germany-s-2045-net-zero-goal-means-accepting-unpopular-technologies?srnd=green to view the full article online.

Member Announcements
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) and Austin Energy celebrate the completion of a new solar panel array constructed on the AUS campus that will produce 1.8 megawatts of locally-generated, renewable energy. 

Visit https://austinenergy.com/ae/about/news/news-releases/2021/austin-bergstrom-international-airport-and-austin-energy-unveil-community-solar-project to view the full article online.

Arizona Public Service Co. (APS), which serves one of the fastest growing service territories in the country, will soon serve customers with more solar power after expanding an existing all-source request for proposals (RFP).

Visit https://www.aps.com/en/About/Our-Company/Newsroom/Articles/APS-in-market-for-more-solar-on-path-to-100-clean-energy to view the full article online.

The energy emergency across the entire midsection of the United States Feb. 14-20 will be discussed and investigated for months if not years, according to Barbara Sugg, CEO of Southwest Power Pool (SPP). 

Visit https://www.basinelectric.com/News-Center/news-briefs/Basin-Electrics-all-of-the-above-resource-portfolio-works-together-with-the-Southwest-Power-Pool-market-to-serve-members-during-energy-emergency to view the full article online.

Our Nation’s Energy Future (ONE Future) announced that Black Hills Corp. (operating its utilities under Black Hills Energy) has joined the Coalition. Black Hills Energy serves over 1.3 million electric and natural gas utility customers in more than 800 communities in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Visit https://www.blackhillscorp.com/node/118247#.YJuoFtVKi70 to view the full article online.

Since CPS Energy’s President & CEO, Paula Gold-Williams, created the Flexible Path SM strategy in 2017, the nation’s largest municipally owned, fully-integrated electric and natural gas utility has focused on seeking new and innovative ways to reduce air emissions to create a cleaner San Antonio energy future. 

Visit https://newsroom.cpsenergy.com/cps-energy-flexible-path-strategy-drives-support-for-electric-vehicles/ to view the full article online.

Access to detailed energy use and billing information; quicker response times to power outages; empowered customers with energy-saving tools; and, improved customer service. 

Visit https://www.epelectric.com/company/news/el-paso-electric-takes-major-step-in-building-a-smarter-energy-future-for-all-customers to view the full article online.

Evergy’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) was filed with the Missouri Public Service Commission, accelerating the company’s carbon reduction timeline. As part of the plan, Evergy will retire nearly 1,200 megawatts of coal-based fossil generation and add 3,200 MW of renewable generation in the next 10 years.

Visit https://investors.evergy.com/news-releases/news-release-details/evergy-sets-goal-net-zero-carbon-emissions-2045-interim-carbon to view the full article online.

Lincoln Electric System will pay $21.7 million to local governments in 2021 through its annual payment in lieu of tax and city dividend for utility ownership.

Visit https://www.les.com/company/news/les-distribute-217-million-local-governments to view the full article online.

Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) has contracted with Osmose Utilities Service to inspect wood poles used in its distribution, sub transmission and transmission operations throughout the District’s service territory.

Visit https://www.nppd.com/press-releases/nppd-inspecting-wood-poles-throughout-the-state to view the full article online.

During a special board meeting this morning, the Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors announced they have named a finalist to potentially lead the utility when Timothy J. Burke retires July 2.

Visit https://www.oppd.com/news-resources/news-releases/2021/april/oppd-s-ceo-selection-process-advances-as-board-announces-finalist-for-the-position/ to view the full article online.

After a six-year review process, PacifiCorp’s Weber hydroelectric plant was granted a renewed operational license by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The term of the license is 40 years.

Visit https://www.pacificorp.com/about/newsroom/news-releases/weber-hydro-license.html to view the full article online.

Platte River Power Authority and 174 Power Global (174PG), through their subsidiary BHS Solar, LLC, initiated the permitting process with Weld County planners to consider a utility scale solar generating installation.

Visit https://www.prpa.org/news-releases/largest-solar-project-to-serve-northern-colorado-communities-proposed/ to view the full article online.

Salt River Project announced plans to more than double its 2025 utility-scale solar commitment to now add a total of 2,025 megawatts (MW) of new utility-scale solar energy to its power system by the end of fiscal year 2025, driven in part by dedicated customer demand for new renewables. 

Visit https://media.srpnet.com/srp-to-more-than-double-its-utility-scale-solar-to-2025-megawatts-by-2025/ to view the full article online.

Commercial operations have commenced at EDP Renewables North America’s (EDPR NA) 104-megawatt (MW) Crossing Trails Wind Farm. Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association is the project’s sole offtaker, through a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with EDPR NA. 

Visit https://tristate.coop/crossing-trails-wind-farm-achieves-commercial-operation to view the full article online.

United Power President and CEO Mark A. Gabriel testified before the House Energy and Environment Committee in favor of Senate Bill 21-072 requiring all utilities to join organized wholesale markets.

Visit https://www.unitedpower.com/leadership-testifies-support-regional-transmission-legislation to view the full article online.

Tucson Electric Power can now deliver energy from the sun to customers – even at moments when the sun isn’t shining – with our newest and largest solar and energy storage system.

Visit https://www.tep.com/news/tep-stores-then-delivers-solar-power-with-new-systems/ to view the full article online.

Following the March 12 departure of Mark A. Gabriel, Tracey LeBeau became WAPA's interim administrator and CEO. Closed Circuit welcomes LeBeau in her new capacity.

Visit https://www.wapa.gov/newsroom/NewsFeatures/2021/Pages/Get-to-know-WAPA%E2%80%99s-interim-administrator.aspx to view the full article online.

Even more Xcel Energy customers in Colorado will soon be able to sign up for community solar gardens, as the company and its partners, Pivot Energy and Energy Outreach Colorado, break ground on the company’s third solar garden in Colorado.

Visit https://www.xcelenergy.com/company/media_room/news_releases/xcel_energy_builds_third_solar_garden_for_income_qualified_customers to view the full article online.

White Paper
The now-familiar sight of traditional propeller wind turbines could be replaced in the future with wind farms containing more compact and efficient vertical turbines. 

Visit https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210427085752.htm to view the full article online.