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Alltricity Network Report
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Industry Information
Battery modules at the utility-scale Moss Landing Energy Storage site in coastal central California overheated this past weekend but did not cause a fire or do any harm to outside systems or any people, system owner Vistra Energy reported.

Visit https://www.power-eng.com/energy-storage/battery-modules-at-phase-1-moss-landing-energy-storage-project-overheat-avoid-fire/ to view the full article online.

The Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to transition to 100% clean energy by 2035, in line with President Biden’s national goals and a decade earlier than the city originally planned.

Visit https://www.utilitydive.com/news/la-approves-100-clean-energy-by-2035-target-a-decade-ahead-of-prior-goal/605980/ to view the full article online.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded $25 million to a new public-private consortium dedicated to the development of grid-forming inverters powerful enough to distribute renewable energy across multiple states.

Visit https://www.utilitydive.com/news/doe-funds-25m-consortium-to-develop-grid-scale-inverters-standards/606184/ to view the full article online.

They go by many names: outlet, low level outlet, sluice outlet, pressure relief outlet, river outlet, bypass outlet, diversion outlet, emergency outlet. But these conduits that release water from a reservoir have one thing in common: a valve for controlling the flow of water.

Visit https://www.hydroreview.com/news/hydro-review-todays-outlet-valve-not-your-grandfathers-sluice/ to view the full article online.

The Biden administration on Wednesday outlined an ambitious plan for wind and solar energy to provide 90% of U.S. electricity by 2050.

Visit https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/solar/biden-blueprint-calls-for-wind-and-solar-to-power-90-of-u-s-grid-by-2050/ to view the full article online.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm authorized the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to conduct an exchange with ExxonMobil Baton Rouge to alleviate any logistical issues of moving crude oil within areas affected by Hurricane Ida to ensure the region has access to fuel as quickly as possible as they continue their recovery. 

Visit https://www.energy.gov/articles/secretary-granholm-announces-strategic-petroleum-reserve-exchange to view the full article online.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released the Solar Futures Study detailing the significant role solar will play in decarbonizing the nation's power grid.

Visit https://electricenergyonline.com/article/energy/category/solar/142/917442/doe-releases-solar-futures-study-providing-the-blueprint-for-a-zero-carbon-grid.html to view the full article online.

U.S. energy expenditures, or the amount of money spent by consumers to purchase energy, fell to $1.2 trillion in 2019, down 5% in real terms compared with 2018, according to the latest data in our State Energy Data System (SEDS). 

Visit https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=49476 to view the full article online.

Global engineering and consultancy group DMT GROUP said it has been appointed to support two critical elements of the construction of SuedLink, the longest underground power cable in the world.

Visit https://www.power-grid.com/td/progress-announced-on-construction-of-worlds-longest-underground-transmission-line/ to view the full article online.

Freshly emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Chesapeake Energy announced a deal to acquire publicly traded Vine Energy for $2.2 billion, or $15 per share. In the deal, Chesapeake gets nearly 100,000 acres in the shale gas basin of Louisiana known as the Haynesville. 

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2021/08/11/a-decade-after-aubrey-mcclendon-caught-the-tiger-by-the-tail---chespeake-energy-returns-to-haynesville-shale-with-big-acquisition/?sh=572aaa355c93 to view the full article online.

Hundreds of thousands of people are counting on these crews to get the power flowing again so that they can begin to rebuild their lives and find some sort of normalcy.

Visit https://www.tdworld.com/disaster-response/blog/21174370/massive-mutual-aid-efforts-continue-in-wake-of-ida to view the full article online.

Member Announcements
Basin Electric joined more than 160 labor unions, conservation and environmental groups, and industry organizations from around the nation in a letter to congressional leaders urging the inclusion of a comprehensive suite of bipartisan carbon management policies in any larger legislative vehicle.

Visit https://www.basinelectric.com/News-Center/news-briefs/Basin-Electric-helps-urge-Congress-to-scale-carbon-management-priorities to view the full article online.

During the last year, El Paso Electric (EPE) established a new mission to transform the energy landscape though new generation, a modernized grid, transportation electrification and enhanced customer options.

Visit https://www.epelectric.com/company/news/el-paso-electric-adopts-bold-carbon-free-energy-goals to view the full article online.

Evergy, Inc. announced Lesley Elwell will join the Company as Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. Greg Greenwood, currently Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, has been named as Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer.

Visit https://investors.evergy.com/news-releases/news-release-details/evergy-announces-senior-executive-leadership-changes to view the full article online.

PacifiCorp filed its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan with its six state utility commissions. The biennial long-term resource plan builds on PacifiCorp’s strong reliability as it accelerates its clean energy future by leveraging the abundant diversity of resources that are available across its vast multi-state transmission network. 

Visit https://www.pacificorp.com/about/newsroom/news-releases/2021-integrated-resource-plan.html to view the full article online.

As a not-for-profit, community-based utility that serves more than one million energy customers in America’s fastest growing region, SRP announced it is seeking Board approval to expand its Coolidge Generating Station, a quick-start natural gas power plant located in the Southeast Valley. 

Visit https://media.srpnet.com/srp-announces-plans-to-expand-its-coolidge-generating-station-to-deliver-reliable-power-and-support-renewable-resource-growth/ to view the full article online.

With a theme of Leading the Charge, not-for-profit wholesale power supply cooperative Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association highlighted the significant and accelerating accomplishments of its Responsible Energy Plan to nearly 300 members and guests in attendance at its 69th Annual Meeting this week in Westminster, Colo.

Visit https://tristate.coop/tri-state-highlights-responsible-energy-plan-accomplishments-69th-annual-meeting to view the full article online.

United Power switched to a demand rate in January 2019 as a way to more fairly charge its members for their electric usage and impact on the cooperative’s system.

Visit https://www.unitedpower.com/we-all-need-utility-system-0 to view the full article online.

As fall classes begin, TEP is helping to make sure local schools have the equipment and infrastructure they need to operate efficiently and effectively.

Visit https://www.tep.com/news/three-ways-tep-supports-schools-as-business-partners/ to view the full article online.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm issued the following statement announcing Tracey A. LeBeau as Administrator and CEO of Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 

Visit https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-announces-tracey-lebeau-western-area-power-administration-administrator to view the full article online.

Xcel Energy announced that Bob Frenzel has been appointed president and CEO of the company.

Visit https://co.my.xcelenergy.com/s/about/newsroom/press-release/xcel-energy-names-bob-frenzel-as-new-ceo-20Y2R000000blNGUAY to view the full article online.

White Paper
In this paper we discuss the limitations of conventional online monitoring technologies for underground cable systems. We highlighted the need for earlier warning of more failure modes in more locations which can be missed by online DTS or PD monitoring, but are now visible through DES over fibre. This passive sensor technology is capable of monitoring electrical and thermal stresses at vital locations which lead to asset degradation and failure, seen only later by conventional online techniques.

Visit https://www.tdworld.com/resources/white-papers/whitepaper/21169190/advanced-cable-monitoring-techniques-for-earlier-failure-warning to view the full article online.