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Alltricity Network Member Information
RMEL's trusted network is now accessible on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These are forums intended for RMEL members only. Working side-by-side in a cooperative manner, RMEL members band together for the common goal of bettering the industry and improving service for utility customers. For more than 100 years, these key principles have proven successful and, more importantly, are tried and true methods for building strong business relationships.


RMEL Champions is a prestigious group of RMEL supporters with access to useful and beneficial promotional opportunities. Thank you, 2022 RMEL Champions!

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Industry Information
Energy storage is a cost-effective alternative to traditional transmission lines for integrating renewable energy, maintaining reliability and modernizing the electric grid, according to a recent study.

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The design is an advanced light-water SMR with each power module able to generate 50 MW. NuScale’s VOYGR SMR plant can house up to 12 factory-built power modules, about one-third the size of a traditional large-scale reactor, according to the DOE.

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The price of residential electricity is projected in the coming years to rise more slowly, the Energy Information Administration said Jan. 10. It jumped to 15.07 cents a kWh last year, from 13.66 cents per kWh in 2021. It’s projected to rise to 15.45 cents a kWh this year and by a penny in 2024.

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These storms are changing shape in a warmer world, sprawling to drench more land while also growing more intense at their cores, the Department of Energy’s PNNL said. 

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The agency also proposed a process for these coal plants to seek an extension, in the interest of addressing grid reliability issues.

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Tyndale Company
Funding supports 33 carbon management projects to ramp up efforts to achieve nationwide goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

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The report said that almost every sector that it covered notched a new record level of investment in 2022, including renewable energy, energy storage, electrified transport, electrified heat, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and sustainable materials. 

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Projects funded under this opportunity will reduce costs, enhance hydrogen infrastructure, and improve the performance of hydrogen fuel cells advancing the Department's Hydrogen Shot goal of reducing the cost of clean hydrogen to $1 per kilogram within a decade.

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U.S. coal-fueled electricity generation is in secular decline, falling from more than half of our annual electricity supply 20 years ago to less than 20% today. This decline was initially driven by natural gas competition and energy efficiency improvements reducing electricity demand. But the acceleration of coal’s economic decline is now being driven by fast-falling clean energy prices—and smart government policy.

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Member Announcements

The Great Plains Synfuels Plant near Beulah, North Dakota, saw the highest annual anhydrous ammonia production on record in 2022. The last record production occurred in 2020. Improvements made in the facility over several years have improved the capacity and availability of the unit, said Aaron Marquardt, Dakota Gas fertilizer section manager. 

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Under legislative bill 1014, the State of Nebraska allocated $1 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to complete a siting study for small modular reactors. As an owner of a current operating nuclear power plant, Cooper Nuclear Station, NPPD qualified to apply for these funds to complete the siting study. 

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CPS Energy will improve the current infrastructure and distribution of its electric service to support the reliability in the growing Cross Mountain area, located in the northwest section of Bexar County. According to the U.S. Census, from 2010–2020, the Cross Mountain population grew three times faster than the City of San Antonio.

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Evergy issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for generation resources to serve its customers. The all-source RFP solicits bids for Evergy’s purchase or contracting of up to 1,240 megawatts (MW) of energy resources that will be in service by 2026. The RFP is Evergy’s first since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.

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NextEra Energy, Inc. announced that Eric Silagy, chairman, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), has notified the company of his intention to retire after 20 years with the company, including 11 years leading FPL. Armando Pimentel, who previously served in several senior executive roles with NextEra Energy, will rejoin the company and is named president and CEO, FPL. 

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The 27-mile transmission line begins at the existing Neset Substation east of Tioga, North Dakota, and ends at the new Northshore substation south of Ross, North Dakota. According to Bobby Nasset, Basin Electric civil engineering supervisor, the project will provide capacity to serve increasing load growth in the region.

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Form Energy, Inc., an American technology company developing and commercializing a new class of cost-effective, multi-day energy storage systems, announced that it has entered into definitive agreements with Xcel Energy (NASDAQ: XEL) to deploy its iron-air battery systems at two of Xcel Energy's retiring coal plant sites. 

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White Paper
A new kind of solar panel has achieved 9% efficiency in converting water into hydrogen and oxygen--mimicking a crucial step in natural photosynthesis. Outdoors, it represents a major leap in the technology, nearly 10 times more efficient than solar water-splitting experiments of its kind.

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The Geospatial Energy Mapper is an interactive online mapping tool that can help identify areas across the country that are suitable for wind, solar, and other clean energy infrastructure projects.

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Capturing the potential profits and jobs offered by a growing hydrogen industry may need as much innovation in regulatory agencies as it does in the research laboratories, according to new research from The University of Texas at Austin. The work highlights the increasing complexity and interconnected nature of energy markets as disparate regulatory agencies push for increased use of clean energy sources.

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A leading laboratory in photonics and renewable energy at the University of Ottawa has developed a new method for measuring the solar energy produced by bifacial solar panels, the double-sided solar technology which is expected to meet increased global energy demands moving forward.

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