Paving the Way
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March 21, 2019

New to the Asphalt Industry? Check out SCAPA's Online Academy!

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In 2017 the South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association (SCAPA) launched an online education portal to meet the need for new technological resources and tools in the rapidly growing asphalt paving industry. SCAPA Academy curates project-based curriculums and helps expedite the path to competency for new hires, experienced professionals, and inspectors. Visit SCAPA Academy at

To bridge the gap, SCAPA has partnered with Pavia Systems to offer SCAPA Academy to road-building professionals in South Carolina. Pavia Systems is a Seattle-based firm specializing in software development for infrastructure construction projects. Participants who purchase courses through SCAPA Academy will receive a significant discount on over 20 course options authored by leading industry experts, from Introduction to Asphalt Paving to Components of Compaction. The learning content incorporates interactive media that allows workers to digest critical information quickly and then apply it in the field immediately.

SCAPA Academy is a fully customizable, virtual mentor that teaches best practices in construction infrastructure, from extensive first-time training to quick refresher courses. It’s available 24/7, so learners can access wherever they can get online.

Additionally, SCAPA created a new reference guide for companies to use as they build their training programs based around SCAPA Academy!


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