Asphalt Advocacy: SCAPA Attends TCC Fly-In

For the first time in several years, the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) was able to reconvene in Washington, DC during National Transportation Week. SCAPA Executive Director Jayson Jordan joined a contingent of SCAPA Producer and Associate Members to meet with a large chunk of the congressional delegation from the Palmetto State. Jordan joined Paul Edwards and Scott Fant of SCAPA Producer Member Reeves Construction Company, along with Ashley Batson of SCAPA Associate Member Ingevity, to start a long day on the Hill. The group got to personally thank the representatives and their staffs for their work on the IIJA and discuss many pressing issues impacting SC: Workforce, Work Zone Safety, Regulation, Gas Tax, and various others.  



The Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) is a partnership of 33 national associations and construction unions representing hundreds of thousands of individuals with a direct market interest in federal transportation programs. Established in July 1996 and co-chaired by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) and the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America, the TCC focuses on federal budget and surface transportation program policy issues.