SCAPA Legislative Update - February 2023

SCAPA Legislative Update - February 2023

Submitted by Sunnie Harmon and John DeWorken, LobbySC

Infrastructure, Economic Development Highlighted in State of the State

Governor McMaster emphasized the State’s economic development accomplishments in his State of the State Address Wednesday night.  Some of those highlights include:

The Governor also discussed investment in infrastructure and economic development, including:

Among other initiatives the Governor highlighted teachers’ salaries and workforce development, including:

The State of the State Address can be read here.


DOT Highlights 2023 Budgetary Outlook

In a House Ways and Means subcommittee earlier this Session, the SC Department of Transportation discussed its budget.  Here are some of those highlights:

Its budget requests include:

  1. $1B over five years to repair or replace 1,125 bridges on Interstates and primary roads
  2. Put litter pick-up on the recurring line, with an increased focus
  3. $300M in non-recurring funds to construct I-73 from I-95 to Hwy 501 in Dillon County


Governor Henry McMaster Sworn in

In January, the Honorable Henry McMaster was sworn in again as the Governor of South Carolina. When he departs in four years, he will be the longest serving Governor in South Carolina’s history.  Other Constitutional Officers were sworn in, as well, including newcomer Ellen Weaver, who will serve as the State’s Superintendent of Education.  To read Governor McMaster comments at his inaugural address, click here.


House Proposes Workforce Reform Bill

Led by Speaker Murrell Smith and Economic and Utility Modernization Ad Hoc Committee Chairman Jay West, a bill was introduced in the House that would make significant changes to the way in which the State administers workforce issues.  Here are the highlights of H.3726.

The bill and initiative seek to:


House Ways and Means Subcommittee Continues Work on Budget

House Ways and Means subcommittees heard from agencies this week as it works to put together the State budget.  The House Ways and Means subcommittees will conclude its work in time for the full Committee to take the budget up February 21.


Sunnie Harmon & John DeWorken


Sunnie Harmon


John DeWorken
