Exam Preparatory Course Descriptions, Schedules
To become
certified under SPFA’s program, you must pass the written exam for the
certification you would like to achieve and all lower level written exams,
starting with the entry level, SPF Assistant Written Examination. The order in
which you pass the exams or meet the requirements doesn’t matter, but you will
not be certified until all the criteria are met. Attending classes is not
mandatory, however it is recommended since these courses will prepare you for
the exams.
The WRITTEN EXAM schedule for Tuesday, Jan. 27, is:
8 a.m.-6 p.m. (Tuesday, Wednesday)
8 a.m.-Noon (Thursday)
Written exams may be taken during any of the above times. However, the exam rooms will close at the times listed and all examinees will be required to leave at that time. The last exam will begin no later than 2 hours before the room closes or 4 hours for Combined Supplier Rep Exam.
The FIELD EXAM schedule for Tuesday, Jan. 27, is:
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Tuesday)
Field exams are over-the-shoulder evaluations so candidates for SPFA PCP Certified Master Installer can demonstrate their ability to manufacture SPF in place. For detailed information, refer to the roofing or insulation handbook at www.sprayfoam.org. Field exams be available for:
1) SPF
Insulation Master Installer – Open Cell
2) SPF Insulation
Master Installer – Closed Cell
3) SPF Roofing
Master Installer
For more details on the courses, exams, field tests and the co-located event, please click here.