SPFA News & Announcements
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>>FREE Safety Webinars for SPFA Members - Next One Is March 16
SPFA offers safety webinars that are FREE for SPFA members.The next webinar, Supplier Air Systems for Respirators, that had been scheduled for March 2, was re-scheduled and will now take place on March 16.
If you missed the previous webinars, they are available for download in the Members-only section of the SPFA website. Direct questions to: Dr. Richard Duncan, SPFA Technical Director, at rickduncan@sprayfoam.org.
>>SPFA's Membership Drive -- See What SPFA Can Do for You
Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance is in the midst of a membership drive. SPFA membership offers sprayfoam professionals the ability to drive the industry forward and address its biggest issues by collaborating on a national level. The member-discounted Professional Certification Program (PCP) provides the highest quality, technically specific training in the business and serves as a certificate of professionalism and authenticity. Additionally, members can increasingly expand their own business by being listed in the SPFA Membership Directory and Buyers' Guide, available in print and online. To learn more about how SPFA can benefit your business, contact Billy Harley, SPFA Membership Representative, at membership@sprayfoam.org or (571) 814-3685.