Archive/Subscribe | December 4, 2012

Updates on SPFA Activities

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SPFA Technical Director Presenting at Building Science Experts' Session

Dr. Rick Duncan, SPFA Technical Director, is presenting at Joe Lstiburek and Building Science Corporation’s Fall Building Science Experts' Session, Wednesday, December 5 in Westford, Massachusetts. His presentation, "Code and Standards Challenges," will include information related to sprayfoam technical consideration. SPFA Members were sent a special invitation to attend the simulcast webinar at a discount.

For details on event click here. For information on the webinar, click here.

SPFA Hosts Pilot Session at SPF Professional Certification Program

SPFA hosted the pilot session for the SPF Professional Certification Program on insulation last week at Gaco Western in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Insulation classes were provided, and over 90 PCP pilot tests were completed. SPFA will be using the results of this pilot session to refine the program for delivery at the convention in Jacksonville and for roll-out to all sprayfoam professionals in 2013.


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