Archive/Subscribe | January 16, 2013

Updates on SPFA Activities

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CPI Contributes $50,000 to Development of SPFA Certification Program

The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI) Spray Foam Coalition contributed $50,000 toward completion of the SPFA Professional Certification Program in December. This funding is intended to offset considerable developmental costs SPFA incurred in 2012 while developing the program, and support efforts toward completion and roll-out in 2013. “SPFA’s board and staff knew this certification program was just something that needed to be done this year and went at it,” said Kurt Riesenberg, SPFA Executive Director. “We were carrying the entire funding of all the meetings, materials development, ANSI/ISO compliance and much more. This contribution from the SFC will make a big difference in our ability to complete and deliver a true quality service to the industry.”

SPFA Technical Director Presents at Building Science Experts' Session

Well-known building scientist and architect Joseph Lstiburek, Building Science Corp., held a two-day Fall Building Science Experts Session in Westford, Mass., in December. The first day of the event was 100% SPF focused. Many people from SPFA presented various information on SPF, and SPFA’s Technical Director Dr. Richard Duncan presented upon installation, health and safety, and other related information to this essential audience.

SPFA Hosts Pilot Session at SPF Professional Certification Program

Just following Thanksgiving, SPFA held a pilot delivery of the new SPF Professional Certification Program in Wisconsin, hosted by Gaco Western. It was a condensed offering of only the Assistant, Installer and Field Examiner curriculum and testing. Almost 90 exams were delivered covering all four levels of certification and the field examiner. While the materials and jump start on the testing certainly was beneficial for the participants, this session was also intended to help SPFA pressure-test the curriculum and the tests to be certain of the completeness, timing and functionality of the program. One additional pilot session will be delivered at Premium Spray Systems in Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 15-17, 2013, in final preparations for delivery at the SPFA Annual Convention and Expo in Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 12-15, 2013.

Space in Atlanta is extremely limited. Should you be interested in seeing if there is still room for you or your staff, please contact Kelly Marcavage at


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