Board Updates
The SPFA Board of Directors held a recent meeting at SPFA headquarters in Fairfax, Va. Among many items and points on the Board’s agenda, the members did make motions to support the following actions of staff:
1. Formation of an inter-industry Advisory Council to the PCP certification program allowing for partner industry organizations to coordinate on delivery, topical coverage and promotion.
2. Formation of a short-term task group to work with several builders identified by NAHB in completion of SPF-specific resources and materials for homebuilders.
3. Development of materials and efforts, and specific coordination for informing and assisting member contractors on issues related to the newly-released OSHA NEP.
Hybrid Insulation Guide
SPFA’s Building Envelope Committee (BEC) is finalizing the hybrid insulation guide, developing a model insulation specification (CSI Format), and insulation installation certificate to include fire protection coatings, for SPFA member contractors to use. These new documents will help member contractors to gain new business by improved product-type selection and avoid compliance issues with building code officials.
SPFA Forms Advisory Council/Safety Committee for New PCP Certification Program
SPFA recently held its Board of Directors meeting and produced several actions, including the agreement over a formation of an Advisory Council for the new PCP certification program consisting of representatives from general construction and industry. The Board also directed staff to form a Task Group with NAHB representatives to complete a reference document on SPF for homebuilders, and committed to bringing more accessible resources to its members similar to the recent webinars on ventilation practice, building science and the new OSHA NEP.
The Safety Committee will supporting the SPFA PCP certification program, and within its scope of work consider producing things like monthly or bi-monthly webinars on chemical and jobsite safety topics, possible development of model written safety and respirator protection programs for SPFA member contractors. The new SC is working presently to develop a set of OSHA/ANSI compliant jobsite safety signs, with two slated for release later this year.
Start Planning for SprayFoam Convention & Expo, Jan. 26-29, 2014
Join your industry for the SPF event of the year! Imagine the possibilities:
-Network and develop valuable connections.
-Find solutions to your pressing business needs.
-Learn about advances in the SPF industry.
-Get the training you need to be the best.
Industry-Level Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for SPF in Progress