Is ICAA suffering from an identity crisis? After years of ignoring and even eschewing SPF, and being managed by a board of fiberglass companies, the
ICAA agenda and news suddenly are dominated by SPF. Where is ICAA in government advocacy on impactful SPF issues, on assisting members with daily difficult field, code and technical challenges, on investing in the costly efforts of proving performance through research, development and industry certification programs, and on a deep-bench of installation, chemical and building science expertise? The marathon of industry is not won by a quick sprint to catch up after the pack has passed you by. It’s won by consistent hammering out every day of solid and reliable effort. While ICAA may be a temporary target-rich environment for future materials sales, SPFA has been doing this for the SPF industry for over 40 years and is the "home of foam" for the true SPF professional. Support your industry, support SPFA.