Sprayfoam 2016 Planning -- Save the Date!
It is never too early to plan for next year!
Date: February 8-11, 2016
Location: Rosen Centre, Orlando, Fla.
Sprayfoam 2015 Coverage
If you want to see what you missed at Sprayfoam 2015 or just want to revisit some of the activities that took place, check out the Conference Daily enewsletters (see the links below). They contain highlights from the event and details on how you can follow through with the contacts you made there. Also, check the SPFA website, www.sprayfoam.org, for post-show updates, the breakout presentations and other pertinent information.
Issue 1 (pre-expo)
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6 (post-expo wrap-up)