Conn. Committee Passes HB 5908
The Committee on General Law of the state of Connecticut passed House Bill No. 5908, which states that Connecticut shall adopt regulations to develop safety and certification standards for the sprayfoam insulation industry.
During the CT General Law Committee Hearing in February on the HB 5908 SPF Certification bill, SPFA offered testimony in support of the committee, not necessarily in support or objection to the bill. Obvious concern is that directions of the bill and subsequent regulations could be influenced by many parties and could result in a situation very unfavorable to the industry in terms of substantial and potentially unnecessary restrictions placed upon the market. SPFA believes that the dialogue, as initiated by the state (not us), is constructive and should the bill move forward we want to be in a position to be a resource and assist/inform the Legislature on SPF and the industry certification program. There is the possibility of similar intent among other state legislatures and, all things considered, the timing of completion of the SPFA certification program could not come at a more appropriate time. The program intentionally pursued a voluntary approach rather than a mandated/licensed route, but as the issue potentially progresses having an industry consensus-created, ANSI/ISO-standardized testing program as a potential reference is very beneficial rather than the alternative of every state installing different requirements and programs from scratch.
To see video of SPFA's Dr. Duncan testifying at the hearing on February 21, 2013 related to HB5908, a bill considering SPF certification, click