SPFA Training & Certification

>>Certification Candidates Urged to Complete Requirements
The SPFA is fielding more and more calls and emails from consumers looking for SPFA PCP Certified SPF Professionals.  We are happy to provide names of the PCP Certified Professionals, but we need your help to make sure YOU are included!  There are many individuals who have started on the path to PCP Certification, but haven’t completed it yet. We urge you to do so since consumers are looking for contractors who are certified!

Likewise, many companies are on the path to the SPFA Contractor Company Accreditation, but haven’t met all the requirements yet. As soon as you do, we’ll make that distinction known via our website and other applicable avenues.

Both of these distinctions are tremendous accomplishments! They are distinctions that set you apart from your competition. These are the distinctions that put the consumers' mind at ease. If you aren’t sure what you still need to do to complete the requirements, please contact our SPFA PCP Staff at admin@spfapcp.org or 866-222-5000!
>>Field Exams Available at 2015 Sprayfoam Annual Convention and Expo 
SPFA is pleased to announce that PCP Field Examinations will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in January at Sprayfoam 2015.  

Thank you to Bob and Earl Buzzard of All American Enterprises, Inc. for hosting the Field Exams.  As many of you know, these are the over the shoulder exams required to become an SPFA PCP Certified Master Installer.  For more details on becoming certified and the field exam process, please refer to the Certification Handbooks at www.sprayfoam.org/certification.

Applicators – this is the perfect opportunity to complete your Field Exam which is required for the Master Installer Certification.  Look for more details in the coming weeks!

Field Examiners – volunteer Field Examiners needed to help conduct these Field Exams.  It is a great opportunity to get firsthand experience and give back to the SPF Industry!

Suppliers – we need your help to get this accomplished!  Sponsorship opportunities are available!  We’ll need rigs, PPE, fresh air systems and more!  We also need sponsors for shuttle and food/beverage. 
All Field Exam opportunities for Applicators, Field Examiners and Sponsors are on a first-come basis – so be sure to let us know your interest asap!
For more information, please contact Kelly Marcavage, SPFA PCP Certification Director, at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org or 571-748-5003. 

>>SPFA PCP Exam Prep Courses and Exams

New locations are frequently added for SPFA PCP Exam Preparatory Courses, Written Examinations and Field Examinations, so be sure to check www.sprayfoam.org Certification Calendar of Events for the most complete list. 

October 14-16 -- Waukesha, WI
Hosted by Gaco Western
Contact Karen Wolfenberger at kwolfenberg@gaco.com 

October 15-17 -- Houston, TX
Hosted by Lapolla
Contact Shana Rand at srand@lapolla.com

Ongoing -- Webinar SPFA PCP Refresher Courses for Previously Trained SPF Professional
Hosted by Gaco Western
Contact Karen Wolfenberger at kwolfenberger@gaco.com

More details for each location are available on our website – www.sprayfoam.org. If you would like more information on the PCP, please contact Kelly Marcavage, SPFA PCP Certification Director, at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.