SPFA Sprayfoam Convention and Expo Updates, Jan. 26-29, 2015

>>Ty Pennington to Headline 2015 Sprayfoam Convention and Expo
Ty Pennington is best known as the Emmy-award winning host of "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" and the co-host of ABC Daytime's "The Revolution." He has been recognized as a home design expert, carpenter and leader in the field of volunteerism.
Details on being part of Sprayfoam 2015 are in the Sprayfoam 2015 prospectus, or visit the SPFA website.
The convention will be held at the Albuquerque (N.M.) Convention Center January 26-29, 2015. 
Conference Coordinator Emma Bennett and the team at YES, LLC are managing Sprayfoam 2015. Email emma@sprayfoam.org or call 605-470-0707 for more information on exhibits and sponsorships.
>>Sprayfoam 2015 Presentation Topics Solidified
The technical presentation topics for the 2015 Sprayfoam Convention and Expo were solidified recently. The schedule and more information will be sent out shortly and will be included in the next issue of SPRAYFOAM Professional magazine, as well. The topics below (and many more) will be part of the course offerings in Albuquerque:
SPF Roofing on Steep Slopes: Safety concerns, installation techniques, lift suggestions
SPF and Solar: Where and how can roofing work with solar, especially on the commercial side?
Dealing with Overspray: How to attempt to avoid, and how to handle if it happens
Prevention & Remediation of Ice Dams on Attics and Cathedral Slopes: The procedures for locating, prioritizing, and remediating the causes of ice dams in buildings.
Foamed Plastic Insulation and the Codes: Outline all of the code provisions that apply to SPF and IPF installations.
Movement Through a House: This session will explore how conditions outside affect the inside of a home and how different ventilation and HVAC strategies can make inside conditions better or worse. A psychrometric wheel and an iPhone/Android app will be used to experiment how these strategies will affect the conditions in the home.
Temperature and Pressures: The Key to Foam Quality and Yield: Discuss the impact of temperature and pressure on foam quality. Address quality points such as density and interlaminate adhesion. Also discuss the impact on foam yield.
Marketing Strategies: How do we increase our market share? Why has overall growth been so weak over the years? Ways to overcome negative customer perceptions; planning and strategies for dealing with potential upcoming trends
Wall Assemblies: Where are we in the big picture? When will SPF get the true energy efficiency rating it deserves? Are wall assembly designs taking advantage of the increased strength potential of SPF? What about existing structures? How to address a retrofit properly? 
What to Do When the Application Turns South? How should you handle customer complaints and concerns?