>>Cities and Businesses Commit to Improving Access to Energy
Source: energy.gov
As part of the Better Buildings Initiative, the White House
formally announced new partnerships with 12 cities and states within DOE’s
Standard Energy Efficiency Data (SEED) Platform Collaborative to collect and
manage building energy data and share best practices within the broader
community. DOE also launched the Asset Score National Leadership Network, a
diverse group of commercial building sector leaders spanning commercial real
estate, global infrastructure, energy service providers, and governmental
actors all dedicated to increase market uptake of BTO’s Asset Score.
>>White House
Releases Fact Sheet About Better Buildings Energy Data
Source: betterbuildingssolutioncenter.energy.gov
The White
House with the Energy Department released a Fact
Sheet, profiling how the actions of its Better Buildings Energy Data
Accelerator partners led to a historic expansion of whole-building energy data
access to building owners by 2017 – significantly increasing opportunities for
building energy benchmarking. Also announced arenewpartnerships
withcities, states, and companies, aimed atfinding new ways to
utilize energy data and put it to work to create a cleaner, healthier, and more
energy efficient America. Read the full White House Fact Sheet. Learn more about Energy Data Accelerator Partner Accomplishments and Results.
Manual to ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Green Standard Available
A newly
published User’s Manual clarifies the intent and implementation of the building
industry’s foremost green building standard by explaining its requirements and
providing example applications. The User’s Manual to ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES
Standard 189.1-2014, Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green
Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, is intended to help engineers,
architects, and contractors understand and comply with the standard and to help
code officials and others enforce its requirements. This new version of the
User’s Manual updates the version published in 2010, which covered the content
of Standard 189.1-2009.
>>Two National
Energy Codes Conference Keynote Speakers Announced
Source: energycodes.gov
Two keynote speakers for the National
Energy Codes Conference were announced: John
Tooley of Advanced Energy and C.R.
Herro of Meritage Homes. The 2016 National Energy Codes Conference will
take place March 21-24 in Tucson, Arizona. Registration is currently available.
More information on the event, including
the conference schedule and award nomination applications are available at www.energycodes.gov.
>>Amendment to Energy Bill, the SAVE Act, Needs Your Support
Right now the Senate is debating passage of a comprehensive energy bill. One piece that was left out of the proposed bill -- but is being introduced as an amendment -- is the SAVE Act. The SAVE Act would do more to account for the value of energy efficiency in the home purchasing/mortgage process. Here's a one-pager about the SAVE Act, from last year.
>>Congress Passes $1.8 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill and $680 Billion Tax Extenders Package
Source: Craig Brightup
On December 18, 2015, Congress passed a $1.5 trillion omnibus
spending bill and $680 billion tax extenders package that the President signed
into law. The "Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016" funds the federal
government through September 2016 and the "Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes
Act of 2015" (PATH Act) extends over 50 tax breaks for businesses and
individuals. Full coverage of this news will be included in the next issue of SPRAYFOAM Professional.
>>Going Green
Can Add Value to Your Home
What is
going "green" worth in Washington home real estate? If you rehab a house to
exacting energy and environmental standards, or install a solar-panel array on
your roof, does your house command more when you sell? If you seal
up all the energy-leaking areas in your house, install a highly efficient
heating and ventilating system, new windows and a long list of other green
improvements, will a future buyer pay you a premium price for your efforts? A new study
conducted by national appraisal experts says the answer most probably is yes —
often tens of thousands of dollars more.