Spanish Version of the Online SPF Assistant Exam Prep Course Now Available


The SPFA Professional Certification Program (PCP) announced the release of the online version of the SPF Assistant Exam Preparatory Course in Spanish! Now, our Spanish speaking SPF workers have a tool available for them to learn the critically important curriculum that lays the foundation for the SPFA certification program.

The content of the course is the same as the courses taught in person; however, additional benefits of online course include:

1) It is taught in Spanish.

2) It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

3) You pick the days and times you want to take the course.

4) You may stop, review and re-do the class as many times as you’d like

5) It offers consistent presentation of the SPFA PCP curriculum, developed by SPF industry stakeholders.

6) Instructor is skilled in industry knowledge and Spanish presentation.

7) If you don’t understand the curriculum, email us and we’ll respond.

The SPF Assistant certification is specifically designed for those assisting in the installation of spray polyurethane foam in thermal insulation installation. SPF Assistant duties my include assisting in equipment and job set-up, substrate preparations, material handling and staging, moving of hoses/scaffolding/ladders, masking, trimming, clean-up and other non-spraying tasks.

The SPF Assistant is the first level for both Insulation and Roofing. It is required that the SPF Assistant Written Exam be taken and passed for each level of certification. Although the course is not required by the PCP in order to become certified, we encourage everyone to take it since it is contains fundamental and important information required to safely install SPF.

In 2016, the SPF Installer Course will be developed into an online course. The first step is developing it in English. Once that is completed, it will then be translated into Spanish. It will take at least 18-24 months to get the Installer Course completed in Spanish for both Roofing and Insulation. The written exams have been available in Spanish for several years at the Assistant, Installer and Master Installer levels.

We are working to make this course readily available and easily accessible to all, and many SPF suppliers are joining in our efforts. Ask your suppliers about their involvement with the SPFA PCP and how they can help you achieve your SPFA PCP certification. The SPF Assistant Exam Prep Course is $250 for SPFA members and $350 for nonmembers (prices subject to change).

For details or to register, visit or contact Kelly Marcavage at