The News Is Spreading...
Members of SPFA are becoming part of an ever-expanding team, bonding together to drive the SPF industry to the highest standards of safety, quality and business practice. SPFA now has 402 members, with 42 of them joining since January 1 and five at Sprayfoam 2016. Interested in becoming part of the team? Contact
SPFA Membership Representative Billy Harley to begin a dialogue: 571-814-3685 (office), 703-975-2700 (cell).
Some perks of being an SPFA member include:
• Substantial discounts on Professional Certification Programs and attendance at the Convention. These discounts could help offset the cost of membership itself!
• Access to technical staff and expertise through our Member Helpline;
• Participation Member’s Only briefings offered bi-monthly;
• Involvement on committees to discuss top industry issues with peers and competitors; and
• Knowledge of what’s going on in the industry to help position your business for success.
571-814-3685 (office), 703-975-2700 (cell), Or, click
here to apply online.