Business Trends

>> Planning for Your Summer Help: Legal and Tax Issues
Many small businesses take on additional help during the summer months. Some use seasonal workers to fill gaps created when full-time employees go on vacation. Others need workers for their summer-related activities of their businesses (e.g., concessions at entertainment sites such as miniature golf). Still others use college students with the idea of extending to them offers of permanent jobs after graduation. Whatever your need, or your reason for hiring, be sure to understand the legal and tax ramifications of your actions.
>10 Stats That Explain Why Business Credit is Important for Small Business
Statistics have many applications in business and play an important role in making decisions, discovering new trends and making predictions. If you’re a small business owner you’re among the 28.8 million small business owners in the U.S., as stated by the Small Business Administration.
>> 4 Ways to Support the Next Generation of Women in Small Business
Women’s History Month dates back to the 1980s, when it was first a weeklong celebration before being extended by a Congressional resolution. Celebrations during the month of March typically include mentions of notable women throughout history. Some of them are women from the business world, from Madame C.J. Walker to Sheryl Sandberg.