RICOWI Published Best Practice Roofing Guide
Installing a new roof or repairing/replacing an existing roof can be significant expense for homeowners and business owners. In partnership with the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, RICOWI (Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues) has published a new guidance document, developed by roofing experts, to help property owners, as well as inspectors, code officials, roofing consultants, roofing contractors and insurance professionals determine when roof replacement or repair is necessary.
The RICOWI Best Practice Roofing Guide is a web-based, free electronic resource. It can be easily accessed via the Internet by laptops, smartphones and tablets, and will be updated as more materials are provided by project partners, code changes are made, materials are enhanced or new materials are introduced, and as installation practices evolve and improve. The guide can be accessed here:
The SPFA Roofing Committee formed a task group led by Roger Morrison to develop and review content related to spray foam roofing systems. SPF contractors can use this free guide to help with discussions with their customers. For more information contact Rick Duncan, SPFA Technical Director, at
rickduncan@sprayfoam.org, or Bruce Schenke, SPFA Roofing Committee chair.