Sprayfoam Pro Newswire
May 21, 2021
SPFA News and Announcements
We need each SPFA Voting Rep (primary contact) or their designate (affiliate) to help with checking your directory listing. On June 1,  SPFA staff will send its member directory database to be printed in our annual 2021-2022 member directory.  Each member should check the information that appears in your member listing on our website by May 31 to be sure it is accurate. If there are any changes needed, you can do so by logging in and updating your organization’s information. A short video on how to do this can be found HERE
It is important that you do the following:
All Members
• Go to My Organization and check your Membership Expiration Date. If it is not correct, contact SPFA staff.
• Go to My Directory Options and select the appropriate directory categories for your company. This will properly place your company listing in the printed directory.

Contractor Members*
• Go to My Organization and check all states of legal operation
• Select all of the SPF services you offer (residential insulation, commercial insulation, roofing and specialty)
*this will optimize the display of your company in the new ‘Find-A-Contractor’ search feature.

Finally, SPFA will be using the new website for general member communications and also uses Quickbooks Online for member invoicing.  Please check your spam/junk email folders and whitelist (designate as ‘safe-sender’) emails from the following senders to be sure you receive these messages:
• SPFA correspondence from our website:  Any emails from xxxxxx@membershipsoftware.org
• SPFA Invoicing from Quickbooks:   SPRAY POLYURETHANE FOAM ALLIANCE quickbooks@notification.intuit.com
SPFA’s staff conducted a site trip to San Antonio, Texas this week!  Perfect timing since the pandemic restrictions have just been lifted and planning for SprayFoam 2022 is full steam ahead.
Mark your calendars, here are activities we are working on:
• Golf Tournament - Tuesday, March 1 – details to follow
• PCP Exam Prep Courses - Monday-Tuesday, February 28-March 1
• PCP Written Exams - Monday-Thursday, February 28-March 1
• SprayFoam Expo - Wednesday-Thursday, March 2-3  (Booth and Sponsorship sales will open in June)
• Breakout Sessions will be Wednesday-Thursday, March 2-3 (Call for Speakers will open in June)
Pack your walking shoes!  All events will be held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Our headquarter hotel is directly across the street and within just a few blocks you can walk to the Alamo, Riverwalk, stores, restaurants and many nearby attractions.
We asked; You answered; We are listening!
Thanks to the feedback we received from our survey, we were able to visit San Antonio with a fresh set of eyes. Yes, we will bring in all the best of previous SPFA conventions, but in 2022, the New SPFA can shine!
One of the most exciting new features is the addition of more breakout sessions! Instead of having committee reports and a secondary keynote on Day 2 of the convention, we will have MORE breakout sessions! 
We also heard that the Contractor Industry Awards are of value to all, yet, many contractors don’t participate due to time constraints. We have established an Awards Task Force to help address this challenge. Watch for details!
We are modifying our traditional exhibit hall floorplan making it more inviting to attendees and user friendly to exhibitors and sponsors! 
June is going to be a big month for releasing details and opening up Exhibit and Sponsorship Sales, Hotel Reservations and Convention Registration for SprayFoam 2022. Be sure to watch correspondence from SPFA and to check our website often (www.sprayfoam.org)!

If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Marcavage – kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.
MOST IMPORTANT – Mark your calendars to be in San Antonio February 28-March 3, 2022!
Carlisle Spray Foam Insulation
Industry News and Announcements
According to a fact sheet released on the department website, the rule is being removed for these reasons:
• The independent contractor rule was in tension with the Fair Labor Standards Act's (FLSA) text and purpose, as well as relevant judicial precedent.
• The rule’s prioritization of two “core factors” for determining employee status under the FLSA would have undermined the longstanding balancing approach of the economic realities test and court decisions requiring a review of the totality of the circumstances related to the employment relationship.
• The rule would have narrowed the facts and considerations comprising the analysis of whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor, resulting in workers losing FLSA protections.
• The department anticipates that the independent contractor rule’s withdrawal will avoid a reduction in workers’ access to employer-provided fringe benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans.
• The withdrawal will also avoid a reduction in other benefits such as unemployment insurance and workers compensation coverage.
The future of construction in 2022 looks bright, especially in the institutional sector, but contractors will have to overcome a multitude of challenges to enjoy it, based on two bellwether construction reports issued last week.
Here’s a look at 11 recent and anticipated changes and their potential impact on your construction business.
No-Burn, Inc.
Health & Safety
Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.
From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
The spring issue of SPRAYFOAM Professional is on its way to your inbox and mailbox! If you don't receive it and would like to be on our email list to receive the digital link, sign up here.
Carlisle Spray Foam Insulation
SPFA Membership
Domtec International, Idaho Falls, ID

This directory reflects membership as of June 2020.  If you would like more information on Member Benefits and how to join SPFA to be included in next year’s edition, please contact kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.

SPFA Courses and Certification
The PCP’s Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Committee has authorized the temporary suspension of CEU requirements for re-certification until December 31, 2023.  In other words, if you are due to re-certify your credentials and need CEUs, you have until December 31, 2023 to submit the CEU. You are now able to re-certify by completing all the other steps and the CEU requirement will be waived.
IMPORTANT – Be sure to renew your PCP Credentials no later than May 31, 2021 in order to have them noted in the printed SPFA Membership Directory and Buyers’ Guide. Accredited Companies will have the PCP Accreditation Mark near their listing(s) in the Directory. Those that employ certified individuals will also be noted.
These distinctions are also part of the Find-A-Contractor Search feature on the website, which will be launched soon.
To check the status of your re-certification and/or renewal of PCP Credentials, contact Crystal Dalgleish at admin@spfapcp.org.
SES Foam
SPFA Job Board
SPFA is doing its part to bring awareness of open positions in the industry to our members, partners, and untapped talent pools. For every one of these positions going unfilled it’s an opportunity missed, an extra staffing challenge drawing attention away from other important priorities, or a customer perhaps needing to wait longer than they should have to. 
ECP - PolyPier
ADO Products
Huntsman Building Solutions
SPFA is now offering a series of monthly contractor webinars to address topics of interest for spray foam contractors. These webinars are free for SPFA members and non-members can attend for a small fee.   

The upcoming webinar titles include:
For more information and registration information, visit the Events Calendar on the main page of the SPFA website (www.sprayfoam.org). Please check this Event Calendar regularly, as new webinars and events will be added.  SPFA is also interested in ideas for future contractor webinars – please send your ideas to Rick Duncan.



We would appreciate your comments or suggestions.
Your email will be kept private and confidential.