Sprayfoam Pro Newswire
December 4, 2012
SPFA News and Announcements

Fill Out Your Nomination Forms TODAY!

On Feb. 14, 2013, SPFA will sponsor the Industry Excellence Awards Luncheon. This lunch will be part of the 2013 Spray Foam Conference. There will be awards in several categories for projects that demonstrate excellence in our industry. A panel of industry experts will adjudicate the selection process. This will be a blind judging process. Judges will not know to whom each of the entries belong, therefore the judging will be solely based on the merit of the project according to awards guidelines.

To be eligible for an award, projects must follow the following criteria:

1. Nominations can be made by any SPFA member. Contractor nominees must be SPFA members to be entered into the contest.

2. The project must have been completed between Jan. 1, 2012 and Dec. 1, 2012.

3. Nominations must be received by December 8, 2012.

4. Pictures (preferably digital) are required. 

  • Note all photographs must show OSHA Compliant Work Environments. 
  • A signed release must be faxed to Lisa Smith (703) 222-5816 for all photographs submitted.

5. The awards will be presented for the following categories: 

  • Residential wall SPF: 1st and 2nd place 
  • Commercial wall SPF: 1st and 2nd place 
  • Roof SPF< 40,000 ft sq: 1st and 2nd place 
  • Roof SPF> 40,000 ft sq: 1st and 2nd place 
  • Specialty Applications*: 1st and 2nd place
        * (formerly Tanks & Vessels and Other)

SPFA reserves the right to change the category to which a project has been submitted if the SPFA determines that there is a category that more closely represents the nature of the project.

Online nomination forms are available at www.awards.diligence.biz/nominate.php.

For questions regarding submission of the online nomination, contact David Bradshaw at dbradshaw@diligence.biz.


SPFA Technical Director Presenting at Building Science Experts' Session

Dr. Rick Duncan, SPFA Technical Director, is presenting at Joe Lstiburek and Building Science Corporation’s Fall Building Science Experts' Session, Wednesday, December 5 in Westford, Massachusetts. His presentation, "Code and Standards Challenges," will include information related to sprayfoam technical consideration. SPFA Members were sent a special invitation to attend the simulcast webinar at a discount.

For details on event click here. For information on the webinar, click here.

SPFA Hosts Pilot Session at SPF Professional Certification Program

SPFA hosted the pilot session for the SPF Professional Certification Program on insulation last week at Gaco Western in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Insulation classes were provided, and over 90 PCP pilot tests were completed. SPFA will be using the results of this pilot session to refine the program for delivery at the convention in Jacksonville and for roll-out to all sprayfoam professionals in 2013.

Industry News and Announcements
Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies
Foam Supplies, Inc.
SPFA Membership
Naylor, LLC
Federal/State Government News

Senate Debates National Defense Bill; Implications Possible for Standard 189.1

Back from their Thanksgiving break, the House and Senate have been busy working through a long list of bills, and trying to reach agreement on a solution to the expiring tax issues and automatic federal spending cuts – often called the “fiscal cliff.” The top issue in the Senate has been debate on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013 – a bill that allows for spending on U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) programs, including military construction; and it is in the military construction section of the bill that has ASHRAE interested.

Specifically, the House-passed version of the NDAA would prohibit DOD from using FY 2012 or 2013 funds to implement ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES 189.1 Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. This bill would also continue the prohibition on the use of DOD funds for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold or Platinum certifications. The House Armed Services Committee report on the bill provides some insight into this section:

“The [Armed Services] committee remains concerned that the Department of Defense is investing significant funding for more aggressive certifications without demonstrating the appropriate return on investment.”

A recent report by the National Research Council on the cost effectiveness of Standard 189.1 found that over 40 years, a building the follows 189.1-2011 would have (for medium office and small hotel buildings):
• Net cost savings of 189.1-2011 ranges from $955,630 to $2.1 million per building on operational savings.
• Adjusted Rate of Return on Investment from 6.3 to 8.7%.
• Simple payback is from 2.9 to 6.5 years.

In partial response to this report, the Senate NDAA does not currently contain the House prohibition on the use of DOD funds to implement Standard 189.1. The Senate is expected to pass its version of the NDAA sometime next week; House and Senate leaders will then meet in a conference committee to work out differences between their two versions – possibly including this section – before producing a final compromise bill that goes back to the House and Senate for one last vote before being presented to the President for his signature or veto.

For additional information, contact Mark Ames, ASHRAE’s Manager of Federal Government Affairs, at mames@ashrae.org or 202-833-1830.


GSA Holds Green Building Advisory Committee Meeting

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) held a meeting of its Green Building Advisory Committee (GBAC) to discuss a number of issues, including the Green Building Certification Review, Facilities Management Institute, Knowledge Network, and the business case for federal green buildings.

GBAC is a group made up of representatives from the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, Transportation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Office of Management and Budget, Council on Environmental Quality, and others. There are also 11 non-federal GBAC members – including ASHRAE Past President Kent Peterson. GBAC provides advice and recommendations to GSA and GSA’s Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings in particular, on efforts to increase the sustainability of technologies and practices in federal buildings.

For additional information on GBAC, click here.

Current Call to Action

Request for Information to State Energy Offices

BCAP is eager to hear from state energy offices or energy code supporters concerning what jurisdictions have adopted or are in the process of adopting the 2012 IECC or the IgCC. If you have any information about cities or counties that have adopted either energy code, please send information to Anthony Price at aprice@ase.org.

Additionally, BCAP has kicked off a new consumer awareness campaign. If you are aware of a city in your state that is considering adopting the 2012 IECC and would appreciate assistance educating homeowners, please contact Cosimina Panetti at cpanetti@ase.org.

SPF-Related Codes & Standards

The Building Codes Assistance Project releases regular updates on building energy codes through its quarterly BCAP Newsletter and weekly Code Alert Bulletin.

BCAP Newsletters are quarterly summaries of what's been happening at the Building Codes Assistance Project and building energy code progress around the nation. To access the full archive, click here.

BCAP Code Alert Bulletins are released weekly by the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP) and its website, the Online Code Environment & Advocacy Network (OCEAN). Code Alert Bulletins are designed to share information and support timely participation in state and local activities related to the adoption and implementation of building energy codes. The bulletins highlight immediate opportunities to influence state and local policy outcomes, indicate code status, and recommend contacts for action. If you know of activity that should be on this bulletin or would like to sign up for this bujlletin, contact Matt Kerns at (202) 530-2252 or mkerns@ase.org.

Some of the content featured in recent newletters and bulletins includes:

NASEO Webinar on Strategies for Increasing Building Energy Code Compliance 

The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) is hosting a webinar to highlight approaches for achieving higher levels of code compliance while also recognizing the potential impact of compliance strategies on already strained and limited state and local resources.

The webinar will include two presentations from State Energy Office staff. Marilyn Kaplan, Project Manager at the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), will present on NYSERDA’s recent and ongoing compliance survey efforts. Jennifer Wilson, State Energy Program Manager at the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA), will highlight the results of a recent report, “Building Department Pilot Study: Guidance on Effective Enforcement of Georgia’s Energy Code.” The report examines building energy code enforcement practices from two jurisdictions in Georgia and identifies best practices related to building energy code compliance, including implementation of the blower door and duct tightness testing requirements of the Georgia code (2009 IECC plus amendments).

For more information, visit the Webinar Registration page or NASEO home page. Contact Chris Wagner of NASEO at cwagner@naseo.org with any questions.

Town of Vail Adopts the 2012 IECC

The town of Vail, Colorado adopted the 2012 IECC with an effective date of January 2013. Vail, which updates its building codes every three years, help public hearings monthly over the last nine months reviewing the changes from the previously adopted building codes and possible amendments to 2012 IECC. Vail’s Building and Fire Appeals Board, who hosted the hearings, added provisions to the code that address construction practices unique to the community.

If interested in more information, contact Jim Meyers at SWEEP at jmeyers@swenergy.org.

SWEEP Releases Report on Utility Energy Efficiency Best Practices

The Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) released the report, The $20 Billion Bonanza: Best Practice Electric Utility Energy Efficiency Programs and their Benefits for the Southwest, acknowledging the efforts of the region's utilities over the past decade and heralding the potential for growing success over the next decade. ACEEE was a contributing author on the report and worked with SWEEP to analyze a comprehensive set of eighteen best practice electric utility energy efficiency programs for each of the Southwest states' residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. The programs include low-income weatherization, incentives for efficient consumer products, custom retrofits for large businesses, and combined heat and power, to name a few. The report also outlines critical design elements that will allow these programs to reach more customers and savings, such as innovative and effective marketing techniques, financial incentives, and behavioral approaches.

For more Information: OCEAN Story Link | Full Report | Blog Summary


RESNET Energy Smart Builder Track

There is a new trend in the housing market where builders are educating consumers of the superior energy performance of their homes by marketing their homes' HERS Index Score.

Over 200 national and local builders that have committed to having their homes energy rated and marketing their homes' HERS Index Score. For more information go to RESNET Energy Smart Builders.

A special feature of the 2013 RESNET Building Performance Conference is a track dedicated to RESNET EnergySmart Builders.

This track will include sessions on effective ways to use the HERS Index to sell new homes, ENERGY STAR, affordable insurance for guaranteeing energy bills based on HERS, Building America. A part of this track will be a special series of building science sessions offered by Energy and Environmental Buildings Alliance (EEBA).

The RESNET Energy Smart Builders track will present an opportunity to interact with the leading builders in the nation and the rating industry as well discover new business opportunities. The 2013 RESNET Conference registration will cover both the RESNET and Home Builder sessions. Click on 2013 RESNET Conference Home Builder Track for a complete listing of the Builders Track sessions.

The annual RESNET Building Performance Conference is the national event dedicated to home energy ratings and marketing energy efficiency to homeowners. The 2013 RESNET Building Performance Conference will take place in Orlando, Florida, February 27-March 1, 2013. The RESNET Energy Smart Builder Track is covered with the cost of the conference registration.

The 2013 RESNET Conference offers:
• Over 100 breakout sessions
• Largest building performance trade show in the U.S. with over 1,200 exhibits
• Access to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) HVAC learning labs

Register for the 2013 RESNET Conference today at 2013 RESNET Conference Registration.

For complete information on the conference go to 2013 RESNET Building Performance Conference.


Notice of Reopening of Energy Partnership Program

Effective November 8, 2012, the Energy Commission is reopening the Energy Partnership Program and is accepting applications from eligible entities. The Energy Partnership Program provides a wide range of technical assistance to local governments and public institutions.

Typical services include:
- Conduct energy audits
- Review existing proposals and designs
- Develop equipment performance specifications

Who is eligible?
- Cities
- Counties
- Special Districts
- Public or non-profit colleges/universities
- Public or non-profit hospitals
- Public or non-profit public care facilities

The program application is available from the Energy Commission's website at:

Contact the Public Programs Office at (916) 654-4550 or by email at EPP@energy.ca.gov with any questions.

For more information:

Sprayfoam Professional Call for Submissions

"Introduction to Air Barriers" provides an overview of the performance requirements of air barrier materials, assemblies, and systems, and includes a discussion on relevant building code requirements. This course AIA and state credits and qualifies for HSW. Please check course specifications for all available credit and details: www.aecdaily.com/sponsor/abaa




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