SPFA News and Announcements
The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) and the ACC-CPI Spray Foam Coalition (SFC) published their new guidance document entitled "Spray Foam Insulation and Termites". This document was developed by a collaborative effort through a termite task group within SPFA's Building Envelope Committee and the SFC's Research Workgroup. This document addresses questions pertaining to inspection for, and treatment of, potential termite infestations in buildings using SPF insulation. It provides basic information about termite identification, inspection and treatment methods as well as discusses the important of air-sealing and insulation of critical areas using SPF. It also presents code-compliant solutions to address these concerns. This document can be downloaded from the SPFA website at no cost, click the link below.
Visit http://www.sprayfoam.org/technical/spfa-tech-tips to view the full article online.
SPFA-127 SPF Roof Systems Maintenance Manual has been updated by a Roofing Committee task group. The reorganized document contains improved photos and updated guidance to help customers and contractors get the most out of their SPF roof system. SPF roofing contractors are encouraged to share this with their customers. Many thanks to the task group for working diligently over the past year to deliver this important update. The group was led by Robb Smith and included the following volunteers: Bruce Schenke, Roger Morrison, Jason Hoerter, Chris West, Jack Moore and Jim Andersen.
Industry News and Announcements
May 2, 2018, 4:00-5:00 PM ESTThe topic will be Silica Dust Hazards, presented by Bill Baughman and Joe Coble of OSHA, Washington DC. This presentation will provide general guidance related to identification, evaluation and mitigation of silica dust hazards on the jobsite. Click Learn More to register.
Visit https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1318707357203016963 to view the full article online.
From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
The Spring issue of SPRAYFOAM Professional has been mailed and emailed!
If you didn't receive it in your inbox or mailbox and would like to be on our email list to receive the digital link, sign up here.
Be sure to read one of this quarter's featured articles, " Total Performance of the Building Envelope." which discusses material performance in building assembly. Read all of this and more in this issue of SPRAYFOAM Professional.
SPFA Membership
>> Welcome New SPFA Members:
Aqualoc Corporation
BN Contracting LLC/Foamtight Insulation, Inc.
Branch Technology
Custom Construction & Design Inc.
D'onofrio General Contractors Corp
Expert Insulation
Expert Spray Foam Inc.
Exterior Guru
ICR Innovative Foam Technology
Indiana Spray Foam
Innovative Roofing Solutions LLC
Intown Contracting
LCR Contractors, LLC - DFW Thermal Solutions
Mass Energy Lab Insulation
Orr Insulation, LLC
Pacific Polymers Inc. DBA American Foam Experts
Polar Spray Foam
Remtek Services Inc
SDI Insulation, Inc.
Shield Energy Solutions
SLR Building Contractors
Spray Foam Insulators
Spray Tech Insulation, LLC
Strong Contractors
Warwick Builders LLC t/a Warwick Roofing
>>2017-18 SPFA Membership Directory and Buyers' Guide Available Online
Members in good standing are listed in this publication, which is mailed out every September. This directory is also available in a digital format. The convenient digital format allows users to navigate and access the directory's content quickly and easily, on the road or in the office. Use the information provided to contact fellow SPFA members and industry partners throughout the year to share ideas, ask questions, or just stay in touch.
>>SPFA Member Benefits
SPFA knows there are lots of organizations out there that would like to have you in their membership. But if you are in, or getting into, the sprayfoam business, we are the place for you. We work hard to represent you well and give you value back for your support. Click here to find out more.
Dues can be paid online here. If you did not receive the notice, or have questions about your membership, please contact Mickey Riesenberg at michele@sprayfoam.org.
SPFA Courses and Certification
On May 3, the Committees honed with the tasks of developing and approving certification criteria will meet. Once the Quality Assurance Program (QAP) and Certification Scheme Committee (CSC) do their work finalizing the Job Task Analysis and Learning Objectives, the work of others can begin in putting together the curriculum and fine tuning the process. SPFA members are welcome to join the working group, roll up their sleeves and help develop this curriculum. If you are interested in helping, please contact Kelly Marcavage at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.
Federal/State Government News
Volume XXVI No. 12 - April 23 2018
The State Net Capitol Journal contains timely and pertinent information for almost every business owner in every state. Some of the features in this issue include:
SPF-Related Codes & Standards
ASTM International has, under the leadership of SPFA’s Dr. Duncan, SPFA members and SPF industry professionals, announced the completion and approval of a new standard entitled Standard Practice for Installation of High-Pressure Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation for the Building Enclosure. This practice covers the installation of high-pressure spray polyurethane foam (SPF) as an insulation for building enclosure assemblies including: walls, ceilings, attics, floors and crawl spaces. This practice does not apply to SPF used strictly as a component for an air barrier system or for SPF used in roofing applications. The Standard can be purchased by ASTM here. If you have any questions please direct them to Dr. Duncan.