SPFA News and Announcements
This has been a challenging year for many, including SPFA. It is during trying times, when the true colors of individuals emerge. We are truly thankful for the support of each of you who have helped us through 2020 and guided us on a path with the NEW SPFA! We wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season! Rick Duncan, PhD, PE – Executive Director, SPFA Kelly Marcavage – Assistant Executive Director, SPFA
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=649379&issueID=69199 to view the full article online.
February 26-27, 2021 Fort Worth, TXSPFA has been invited to host an outreach event and membership drive in conjunction with Spray Foam World Wide’s Kick-off Party, February 26, 2021 – River Ranch Stockyards, Fort Worth, Texas. This location has a lot to offer and will be a great venue to host a fun event and opportunity for our contractors and suppliers to get together. The Stockyards are spacious and have plenty of room for social distancing. There is also opportunity to host event at Top Golf on Saturday, February 27 from 1-4pm. All companies who participated as Sponsors and Exhibitors in Sparyfoam 2020 in Pasadena were sent a Sponsorship Packet via email yesterday (11/23/20). For more details, please contact Kelly Marcavage at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=649381&issueID=69199 to view the full article online.
Industry News and Announcements
NRCA will offer "Virtual Roofing Industry Fall Protection from A to Z" on Dec. 17. The course updates participants regarding fall-protection systems and includes current Occupational Safety and Health Administration state-plan requirements. The class also features hands-on equipment demonstrations and techniques for self-rescue and relief-of-suspension trauma.
Visit https://www.nrca.net/education/course-calendar/fall-protection-a-to-z to view the full article online.
Health & Safety
SPFA, along with other insulation and roofing trade associations are monitoring the situation. Most of these state actions include restrictions on gatherings in public places such as restaurants, gyms and events, and a several place restrictions on travel and home gatherings during the holidays. So far, none of these actions impact construction, which is considered an essential function. It should be noted that some states have implemented regulations regarding masks, social distancing and handwashing on construction sites that must be followed. SPFA includes these detailed guidelines in our updated Model Written Safety Program available for all SPFA members. In addition, a simple five-step infographic on SPFA’s COVID Resources webpage, is available to the public.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=649800&issueID=69199 to view the full article online.
Beginning January 1, 2020, California and Washington prohibited the use of any high-pressure or one-component SPF products containing HFC blowing agents. NJ joined CA and WA effective July 1, 2020. Restrictions on HFC blowing agents in low-pressure two-component foams go into effect in all three of these states beginning January 1, 2021. Additionally, on January 1, 2021, four more states join CA, NJ and WA to prohibit the use of all SPF with HFC blowing agents. These states include CO, NY, MD and VT as well as all provinces and territories of Canada. Several other states are developing similar restrictions including CT, DE, HI, MA, ME OR, PA, RI, and VA. SPF contractors working in these states should work with foam suppliers to plan for these new regulations and adjust inventory accordingly.
Visit https://polyurethane.americanchemistry.com/State-Phase-Down-of-HFCs/ to view the full article online.
From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
SPFA Courses and Certification
PCP Renewal Time! Everyone’s credentials will expire on December 31, 2020. Please watch your email in early November for your PCP Renewal information. If you have any questions or have an updated email address or contact information, please contact Crystal at admin@spfapcp.org. Many of you will need to re-certify your credentials this year. Those who do were sent a reminder email with details on CEUs along with the Declaration Form. If you have any questions or need more details, please contact Kelly Marcavage, kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=649390&issueID=69199 to view the full article online.
SPFA Job Board
SPFA is doing its part to bring awareness of open positions in the industry to our members, partners, and untapped talent pools. For every one of these positions going unfilled it’s an opportunity missed, an extra staffing challenge drawing attention away from other important priorities, or a customer perhaps needing to wait longer than they should have to.
Visit https://spfa.boxwoodgo.com/jobs to view the full article online.