SPFA News and Announcements
Do you want your company listed in the printed edition of the SPFA Membership Directory & Buyers' Guide? If so, you must be a Member, in good standing, by May 31, 2021. Each year SPFA Membership expires on December 31. This year, we implemented a grace period so SPFA Members had access to all their benefits as we rolled out our new website, established new payment procedures for dues and worked through COVID-19. The grace period is coming to an end in May. If you have not yet paid your 2021 Membership Dues, there is still time to act. Likewise, if you are not yet a member of SPFA, there is still time to join.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=672152&issueID=76903 to view the full article online.
1. Listing in SPFA Membership Directory & Buyers' Guide All 2021 SPFA Membership Dues must be PAID IN FULL by 5/31/21 in order to be listed in the printed SPFA Membership Directory & Buyers' Guide. Deadline for companies to update their database listing is June 1 via the online portal at www.sprayfoam.org. The SPFA Member information in the online database will be downloaded to print the SPFA Directory and Buyers' Guide. Be sure to check and make sure your company details are correct. 2. Enhanced company listing in the online SPFA Member Directory Any company that has not paid their dues in full by May 31, 2021 will be removed from the online directory as well and will not appear in any searches using the online tools.
Visit https://www.nxtbook.com/naylor/SPFR/SPFR0020/index.php#/p/Intro to view the full article online.
The results of our recently conducted poll indicate that both contractors and suppliers find value in the SPFA Contractor Excellence Awards. A task force is being formed to help develop the Awards Program to be held during Sprayfoam 2022 in San Antonio. If you are interested in participating on the task force, please contact Kelly Marcavage at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org. The committee’s kick-off meeting will be held during week of April 26. NOTE: Only SPFA Members can participate.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=672532&issueID=76903 to view the full article online.
SPFA is now offering a series of monthly contractor webinars to address topics of interest for spray foam contractors. These webinars are free for SPFA members and non-members can attend for a small fee.
The upcoming webinar titles include: For more information and registration information, visit the Events Calendar on the main page of the SPFA website (www.sprayfoam.org). Please check this Event Calendar regularly, as new webinars and events will be added. SPFA is also interested in ideas for future contractor webinars – please send your ideas to Rick Duncan.
Visit https://www.sprayfoam.org/calendar_list.asp to view the full article online.
Industry News and Announcements
From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
SPFA Courses and Certification
Congress recently introduced the Freedom to Invest in America’s Future Act. This bill gives Americans the freedom to use their 529 Savings Accounts to cover the costs of workforce training and credentialing programs, as well as the costs of exams and certification credentials. Specifically, this bill would expand the programs eligible for 529 savings accounts, including training or credentialing programs recognized by a state government or the federal government or otherwise widely recognized as a reputable credential provider for an occupation. If this bill passes, 529 savings accounts would continue to be eligible to pay for their current allowable uses, such as colleges and vocational schools and their allowable uses would simply be expanded. This is a bipartisan legislation is gaining popularity on both sides of the aisle. To learn more and let your voice be heard, contact your Representative!
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=672163&issueID=76903 to view the full article online.
SPFA Job Board
SPFA is doing its part to bring awareness of open positions in the industry to our members, partners, and untapped talent pools. For every one of these positions going unfilled it’s an opportunity missed, an extra staffing challenge drawing attention away from other important priorities, or a customer perhaps needing to wait longer than they should have to.
Visit https://spfa.boxwoodgo.com/jobs to view the full article online.
This webinar, entitled “Adapting to Material Shortages and Rising Costs” may be of interest to all construction contractors. Even with the rollout of the vaccines, material availability and price increases continue to be a problem in the industry. On April 29 at 11am eastern, Cotney Attorneys and Consultants will be hosting a webinar to discuss legal & business tips to help navigate and adapt to supply chain disruptions. This webinar is free for all attendees. Note: This is an external webinar that is not part of the monthly SPFA Contractor Webinar Series.
Visit https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4509592380098845455 to view the full article online.
Career Opportunities
SprayWorks Equipment is launching its new free online spray foam training, titled Introduction to Insulation Spray Foam. The free training is a first step for new foamers or new business owners looking to understand the basics of spray foam. The new online training includes the following features: • One-step registration and saved steps to allow students to return when it’s convenient • A new graphic, rich environment that works quickly and makes learning clear and concise • Automatic certificate of completion with a successful score of 80% or above
Visit https://sprayworksequipment.com/spray-foam-training-central/online-registration/ to view the full article online.