SPFA News and Announcements
Before August 12, the California legislature will take a vote on AB 2247, which would require significant and burdensome reporting requirements for manufacturers and installers of products containing PFAS chemicals. These products include closed-cell SPF containing HFO and HFC blowing agents. The SPF industry opposes this legislation. If you are a California resident, please join the SPFAdvocacy Network’s grass-roots write-in campaign to oppose AB 2247 by clicking HERE. For more information about this campaign, PFAS and SPF, or SPFA advocacy programs visit our advocacy webpage or contact Rick Duncan.
Visit https://www.sprayfoam.org/spfadvocacy_main to view the full article online.
The NIE Awards submission process will open be open from approximately late August through November 28, 2022. The Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 in Daytona Beach, Florida, at SprayFoam 2023. Use the time now to plan your submission by gathering photos and details about the project(s) you will enter. If you need ideas or inspiration, check our website for previous winners from 2022 and earlier. There will be changes for 2023 announced over the next six weeks, but as we work out details on our end, we want you to start getting prepared. To be eligible for an award, projects must meet this criteria:- Nominations can be made by any SPFA member - Contractor nominees must be SPFA members to be entered into the contest (Not a member? Join now)
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=739723&issueID=82903 to view the full article online.
Industry News and Announcements
From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
SprayFoam 2024 Convention and Expo News
You may have received electronic mail solicitations from various companies seeking to help you book room reservations for the 2023 SprayFoam Convention & Expo. Please note that none of these companies are in any manner affiliated with or authorized by SPFA to solicit hotel reservations on its behalf. Some may include language referencing the 2023 Convention and/or SPFA that may lead you to believe the company is somehow connected with the SPFA or the Convention. Nothing could be further from the truth. We ask that you ignore any of these unauthorized solicitations you may receive. SPFA has negotiated tirelessly with selected convention hotels in Daytona Beach to secure a more than sufficient room block at very favorable rates for 2023 SprayFoam Convention & Expo attendees, exhibitors and sponsors. Using an unauthorized outside booking service to secure a room outside the room block in the SPFA’s selected hotels negatively impacts the SPFA financially as well as hinders our ability to meet contractual obligations to the selected convention hotels. Thank you for your continued consideration of this request.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=739734&issueID=82903 to view the full article online.
SPFA Job Board
Be sure to check out the SPFA Job Board on our homepage at www.sprayfoam.org – a new opening has just been posted!
Visit https://www.sprayfoam.org/ to view the full article online.
We’d like to invite SPFA members to a contractor meet-up, carnival and conference on August 26-27 at the Omni Viking Lakes hotel in Eagan, Minnesota. It’s for spray foam and insulation business owners and salespeople (families and kids welcome!) There will be a full, free carnival with rides and midway games on both days. On Saturday, there's an educational conference featuring speakers and panel discussions with industry leaders, experts in building science, sales, safety and business evaluation. On Friday, you can suit up and test out various spray foam and coatings equipment and material in 5+ outdoor spray booths. Visit and network with representatives from 20+ companies exhibiting throughout the carnival, including SPFA staff, and enter to win door prizes and giveaways.
Visit https://pages.sprayfoamww.com/2022-sfww-carnival-and-knowledge-fair to view the full article online.