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Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=255894&issueID=31987 to view the full article online.
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Source: ase.orgTuesday, March 4, 2014, marked the release of the President's budget requests for fiscal year 2015. Once again the President backed his commitment to doubling energy productivity and cutting energy waste with strong financial support for energy efficiency programs throughout the federal government.
Visit http://www.ase.org/blog/potus-calls-more-energy-efficiency-less-waste to view the full article online.
Sprayfoam Professional Call for Submissions
The State Net Capitol Journal contains timely and pertinent information for almost every business owner in every state. Read up on Health Reform, Budget & Taxes, Politics & Leadership, Governors, Bird's Eye View, Hot Issues, and Once Around the Statehouse Lightly. Volume XXII, No. 7 March 10, 2014
Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/sncj_031014.pdf to view the full article online.
Source: Roberta TaylorAfter 35 years in the lighting design business, a health crisis forced Sam into retirement. At first he was relieved and looked forward to the freedom of not having to work every day, but when a buyer was found and all the legal and financial work was behind him, it was difficult for Sam to let go. He felt like his whole identity had been stripped away. He thought about the business every day and, over time, began to wonder if selling had been a mistake. Sam's experience is not uncommon. Many business owners have not prepared for life after retirement. Retirement today is no longer what it used to. It¹s a journey, less about what you¹re coming from and more about what you¹re going towards.
Visit http://lifeafter50.com/news/2014/feb/07/life-after-work-five-tips-success/ to view the full article online.