Sprayfoam Pro Newswire

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance

SPFA News and Announcements
>>SPFA to Elect New Board Members
>>SPF Article by Rick Duncan Appears in Roofing Contractor
>>SPFA Finishes Environmental Product Declaration for SPF

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259274&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Industry News and Announcements
>>BPI Partners with the 2014 REMODELING Home for Life Project
>>Should Building Commissioning Agents Be Certified and Licensed?
>>Polyurethane Producers Launch Campaign to Celebrate the Innovation Enabled by Polyurethane
>>SPF Systems Containing Unreacted Diisocyanates & Action from California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control
>>Huntsman Polyurethanes Signs New Spray Foam Coalition Code of Conduct
>>2012 Economic Census Report Released

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259273&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Building Performance Institute
Health & Safety
>>OSHA NEP Letter to SPFA
>>Guidance for Developing a Written Respiratory Protection Program

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259278&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
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Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259270&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Bayer Material Science
SPFA Membership
In addition to coverage of some of the SprayFoam 2014 sessions and events in the SPFA magazine, SPRAYFOAM Professional, some of the SPFA National Industry Excellence Award winners will be spotlighted there, as well.

See images from SprayFoam 2014 at the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance Facebook site!

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259271&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

>>SPFA Publishes Membership Brochure
>>SPFA 2013-2014 Membership Directory and Buyers' Guide
>>SPFA Member Benefits

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259272&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Foam Supplies, Inc.
SPF Tech
Source: buildingscience.com / Joseph Lstiburek
Folks sometimes ask me how do I know "that"? How could I possibly know that "that" would happen? I chuckle and answer "that’s because I have good judgment...and good judgment is based on experience...and experience is based on bad judgment...I have lots of experience."

We often learn more from failure than we learn from success. We don’t always know why something works when it works. Maybe we got lucky. Maybe we don’t understand what is really going on? With a failure, if we examine it carefully, we can learn and hopefully avoid the failure the next time.

Visit http://www.buildingscience.com/documents/insights/bsi-076-great-moments-in-building-science/view?utm_source=Building+Science+Corporation+List&utm_campaign=e93db79b35-BSC+Newsletter+Issue+%2368&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_194890bc8c-e93db79b35-63940245 to view the full article online.

Source: gacowallfoam.com / Will Parker
GacoFireStop2 should be mixed using a 3-Stage Collapsible Blade Mixer. Note: Auger style mixers are insufficient and should not be used to mix GacoFireStop2.

With the 3-Stage Collapsible Blade Mixer in hand, make sure the three blades are evenly spaced out from top to bottom on the shaft. With GacoFireStop2, it is crucial that you be able to mix material in the top with the material in the bottom - if all the blades are on the lower end of the shaft this cannot be achieved.

Visit http://www.gacowallfoam.com/docs/TechTips031.pdf?utm_source=Tech+Tips+March+2014&utm_campaign=TechTips+031&utm_medium=email to view the full article online.

SPFA Courses and Certification
>>SPFA PCP Supplier Company Accreditation
>>SPFA PCP Updates from SprayFoam 2014
>>Spray Foam Coalition Releases Document Outlining Benefits of SPFA PCP

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259277&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

SPFA Job Board
If you are ready to take the next step forward with your roofing business, Gaco Western can give you the skills and knowledge you need with our Level 3 GacoFlex S20 Advanced Applicator Training (2-Day) -- April 23-24, 2014.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259705&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

C.J. Spray, Inc.
Federal/State Government News
Federal Activities
>>House Subcommittee Approves STEM Education Reform Bill
>>Prospects Dim for Congressional Action on Energy Efficiency
GGAC Regional and Chapter Activities
>>Arkansas, Arizona, Chicago, Indiana, North Carolina

Visit https://www.ashrae.org/government-affairs/government-affairs-updates to view the full article online.

Current Call to Action
>>Comments on OMB Proposed Update of Circular A-119 Are Due May 12

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259283&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Marketing & Industry Promotion
Source: bpi.org / Kevin Homer
A company’s website is typically the central hub of its entire marketing strategy. It’s the easiest and most cost-effective marketing component in terms of updating with current information. It’s the one medium where the allotted space to present information is essentially unlimited. And it’s also readily available to be viewed by the largest potential target market. If your company isn't focused on strengthening its online presence, it should be. Quickly!

Visit http://www.bpi.org/news_pm_march_2014.aspx#article2 to view the full article online.

SPF-Related Codes & Standards
>>Revised ASHRAE Standard Helps to Compare Building Energy Performance
>>Spray Polyurethane Foam Design Guidance: Insulation and Air Barrier Requirements of the 2012 I-Codes
>>The Building Codes Assistance Project Updates on Building Energy Codes

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259279&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Registration for the free 2014 ASHRAE Webcast, "Buildings in Balance: IEQ and Energy Efficiency," is now open. The webcast will broadcast live on April 17, 2014, from 1-4 p.m. EDT.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259711&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Source: ase.org
The Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) is building a new initiative called Energy 2030 On the Road: A State and Local Campaign that will launch in May 2014. The purpose of this campaign is to build awareness of the Energy 2030 policy recommendations and goal of doubling energy productivity by 2030. In order to design a roadmap for the campaign, ASE sent an Energy 2030 survey to nearly 400 state and local officials to assess the current landscape of energy efficiency policies and programs. The results are in, and there was a clear consensus on the campaign.

Visit http://www.ase.org/blog/survey-says-energy-productivity-important-states-and-cities-nationwide to view the full article online.

Source: aceee.org / Maggie Molina
As efficiency programs gain wider traction as a utility resource, the need increases in step for high-quality, comprehensive and consistent data metrics on energy efficiency program costs and cost-effectiveness. In this report we review utility-sector energy efficiency program costs in recent years (2009-2012). We collected data from reports by program administrators to calculate the levelized cost of saved energy (CSE), which is the best way to compare energy efficiency to other energy resource options. We find that energy efficiency programs are holding steady as the least-cost energy resource option that provides the best value for America’s energy dollar.

Visit http://aceee.org/research-report/u1402 to view the full article online.

Sprayfoam Professional Call for Submissions
The State Net Capitol Journal contains timely and pertinent information for almost every business owner in every state. Read up on Health Reform, Budget & Taxes, Politics & Leadership, Governors, Bird's Eye View, Hot Issues, and Once Around the Statehouse Lightly.

Volume XXII, No. 9
March 24, 2014

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/sncj_032414.pdf to view the full article online.

See what's in store, as far as industry events, expos, training classes, online courses, certification programs and more.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259284&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Career Opportunities
Convenience Products is hiring and is offering a full benefits package including relocation and competitive starting base salary plus incentives.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=259287&issueID=31988 to view the full article online.

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
11 Hope Rd, Ste 111 #308 | Stafford, VA 22554