SPFA News and Announcements
The Contractor Industry Excellence Awards recognize SPFA contractor members’ exceptional accomplishments for the quality of their work, the uniqueness of the project, speed of application, superiority of polyurethane, ability of foam to conform to unusual/irregular surfaces, and special safety considerations. The winners were revealed and recognized during the 10th Annual Contractor Awards Luncheon at Sprayfoam 2015.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=309337&issueID=35688 to view the full article online.
"We tried to build it and hoped they’d come. And they did!" said SPFA Executive Director Kurt Riesenberg during the General Session at Sprayfoam 2015, which experienced record-setting numbers this year, especially in the breakout sessions. Slides from the presentations and breakout sessions will be uploaded to the SPFA website, www.sprayfoam.org, and the sessions with the highest attendance will be featured in upcoming issues of SPRAYFOAM Professional magazine.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=309351&issueID=35688 to view the full article online.
Industry News and Announcements
>>Evolution of SPF Noticed at IBS >>GIA Releases Global Report on Insulation >>DOE, ORNL Researching New Insulation Material >>Free Webinar on March 18 by DOE Building America Program >>Codes, Standards Developers Align Guidelines to Create Sustainable, High-Performance Buildings >>ASHRAE/IES Publish Updated Standard on Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings >>Manufacturers Wary About Proposed EPA Rule >>SPF Aids in NASA Launch: It Is Rocket Science!
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=308764&issueID=35688 to view the full article online.
From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
The spring issue of SPRAYFOAM Professional was mailed and is also online! If you want to be sure your inbox is on our email distribution list for future issues, sign up for the digital version below. Some of the topics in this issue include: >>SAFETY FIRST -- SPFA DRAFTS SAFETY PROGRAM FOR MEMBER USE >>WHY I SUPPORT SPF -- BY TY PENNINGTON >>HOW TO MAKE MONEY AND HAVE FUN DOING IT >>WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU FILE IN 2015 >>TIPS ON SPRAYING FOAM -- ARE YOU DOING IT RIGHT? >>10 WAYS YOUR COMPANY CAN USE INSTAGRAM >>ASK THE EXPERT -- MEASURING THERMAL BARRIER COATING THICKNESS
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=308761&issueID=35688 to view the full article online.
Sprayfoam 2015 has wrapped up, but it is far from gone. If you missed it or just want to revisit some of the activities that took place, check out the Conference Daily enewsletters. They contain highlights from the event, details on how you can follow through with the contacts you made there, and a link to the Sprayfoam 2015 survey (please complete your survey by Feb 28!). Also, check the SPFA website, www.sprayfoam.org, for post-show updates, the breakout presentations and other pertinent information.
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=308762&issueID=35688 to view the full article online.
SPFA Courses and Certification
Federal/State Government News
Federal Activities>>House Energy & Commerce Chairman Unveils New Legislative Framework >>Energy Efficiency Improvement Act Reintroduced in House >>Representatives Cartwright, Gibson, Welch Re-Introduce Bipartisan Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act >>ASHRAE Issues Action Alert on Educating Tomorrow’s Engineers Act >>DOE Issues Pre-NOPR on Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Furnaces >>DOE Seeks Public Comment on Energy Efficiency Standards for Manufactured Housing >>DOE Invites Public Comment on the 2015 Edition of Its Quadrennial Technology Review >>DOE Issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Energy Conservation Standards for Commercial Warm Air Furnaces >>DOE Releases Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Test Procedures for Dehumidifiers GGAC Regional and Chapter Activities>>First Engineers Week Proclamation Received >>May Is Building Safety Month >>Legislative Update >>Utah Code Legislation >>California Energy Commission (CEC) Posts New Rules Online for Public Comment >>Oklahoma Chapters Hold a "Day on the Hill"
Visit https://www.ashrae.org/government-affairs/government-affairs-updates to view the full article online.
Marketing & Industry Promotion
SPF-Related Codes & Standards
Sprayfoam Professional Call for Submissions
The State Net Capitol Journal contains timely and pertinent information for almost every business owner in every state. Read up on Health Reform, Budget & Taxes, Politics & Leadership, Governors, Bird's Eye View, Hot Issues, and Once Around the Statehouse Lightly. Volume XXIII, No. 5 February 16, 2015
Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/sncj_021615.pdf to view the full article online.