Recently Revised Standard: TU-8

The 2019 revision of SSPC TU 8, Safe Use and Handling of Isocyanate-Containing Polyurethane and Polyurea Coatings for Industrial Maintenance Applications will be published in July. The 2019 revision of SSPC TU 8, Safe Use and Handling of Isocyanate-Containing Polyurethane and Polyurea Coatings for Industrial Maintenance Applications will be published in July. This technology update explains the basics of the risks posed by unreacted isocyanates, provides general information on proper handling of coatings containing isocyanates, and contains recommendations for types of PPE known to provide effective protection to craftworkers. The Technology Update has been reorganized and new information has been added to the Worker Exposure section. References have also been added and updated.

About SSPC Technical Committees

SSPC technical committees provide industry professionals, SSPC members and non-members alike, with a platform for showcasing their expertise, sharing knowledge, expanding and enhancing their professional footprint, and making an indelible impact on the protective coatings industry.

Most committees with active projects hold in-person meetings during the SSPC Coatings+ Conference, and schedule virtual meetings or conference calls as necessary during the year. Travel is not a requirement to participate in committee work, but voting members are expected to respond to informal committee polls, attend virtual meetings when possible, and most importantly, to return committee ballots. Nonvoting members have the option to comment on drafts during ballot periods, and will be kept informed of committee activity, but are not required to actively participate in committee business. SSPC committees use a third-party hosted workspace to communicate with members, ballot drafts, and schedule meetings.

As an ANSI-accredited standards developer, SSPC is required to maintain a balance of interest among stakeholders on standards-developing committees. The ANSI requirements for balance are that no interest category can have more than 50% representation on any committee developing non-safety-related standards. To help maintain balance, voting privileges on SSPC committees are limited to one voting member and one alternate voter per company or organization. There are no limits to the number of nonvoting members per company, provided the overall balance of interest is maintained.

For additional information, contact Aimée Beggs at or by clicking here.