Mid-Cites Chapter Changes
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At Mid-Cities HR Association, we have seen some great changes, recently beginning with our newly designed website! We have added more content that will bring more benefits to our membership, with focus on our Chapter mission, goals and volunteer opportunities available. Since the launching of our new website, we have has several requests from local employers to post their jobs on our site.
Check it out!
Additionally, we have revamped our current newsletter to match our website, thus ensuring we have a cohesive look and feel.
We are proud to report that we currently have 631 members in our LinkedIn group, 73 Twitter followers (we are following 254), and 17 Facebook members. We like to see growth!
It is time to start planning for 2015. We hope you will join us for our eighth annual The Employment Law Symposium! This is by far our biggest event of the year and we always have a full house. Registration opens soon for Jan. 21, 2015, so SAVE THE DATE! Those interested in sponsorships can contact Becky Nielsen.
We hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween ... until next time!