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November Monthly Luncheon: Preparing Your Business for Success by Driving Change: Why & How the World’s Largest Automaker is Making it Happen in Texas
Tuesday, November 10 | 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM
Approved for 1 HRCI HR (General) Recertification Credit Hour and 1 SHRM PDC

Last year, Toyota announced its plans to undertake what has since been described as the largest headquarters’ relocation and reorganization in the history of corporate America. Hear from one of Toyota’s executives charged with making it happen. Terri Von Lehmden will reveal why and how Toyota is leveraging this historic opportunity to drive a culture of innovation throughout its North American operations. Terri will discuss how Toyota's newly developed cultural priorities are shaping everything, from the design of its organization to the company’s new headquarters campus in Plano.

DFW SMA Luncheon: The Secrets of a Master Sourcer
Wednesday, November 18 | 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM
Approved for 1 HRCI HR (General) Recertification Credit Hour and 1 SHRM PDC

Sourcing is an art, and the modern-day sourcer must have a number of tricks, tips, strategies and tactics to be successful. In this session, Jim Schnyder will share some of his favorite tools and techniques he either learned or created over the years that have helped him be more effective in recruiting and sourcing. You will leave with strategies you can immediately implement in your recruiting and share with your team.


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