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Texas Contributions in 2015

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Texas Chapters are raising the bar. Did you know that Texas was number 7 in the Nation in 2015 in contributions to the SHRM Foundation? We also had 5 Texas chapters named as a top 25 contributor in the nation.

Austin –ranked number 2

Dallas – ranked number 3

Houston – ranked number 8

El Paso – ranked number 15

San Antonio – ranked number 22

Do you know where your chapter ranked in your region? What about in the Nation? Here in Texas we tend to be a little competitive and we always want to shoot for the top. You can keep track of your chapter donations and see others in the state or region by viewing the contribution report on the SHRM Foundation page.

Visit the www.shrmfoundation.org page, click on volunteer resources, and click on "contributions reports". You will be required to sign in with your user name and password. You can view donations by chapters by region, and you can view donations by council by region. We are part of the Southwest Central region. It is a great tool that SHRM provides that can help you educate your chapter members on giving. Let’s continue to raise the bar!

Thank you for your support!

Shannon Elrod and Maria Garate


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