March 2012
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Lower Valley Chapter

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Drs. Jennie Johnson (Management and Marketing) and Cody Cox (Behavioral Sciences) at the University of Texas at Brownsville recently collaborated on an original research project entitled, Identifying KSAs Important for Managerial Success in the Rio Grande Valley, which they presented at the Academy of Management’s annual conference, held in San Antonio in 2011.

Drs. Johnson and Cox garnered high praise during the conference, receiving the Management Education and Development (MED) Global Forum Best Symposium Award. The award is traditionally awarded to scholars who have developed a symposium that best creates the opportunity to address global issues of significance to management education and/or development.

Dr. Johnson is a SHRM member at the national and local levels and the College Relations Director for the Lower Rio Grande Valley Society for Human Resource Management Chapter #313. Data for the study were collected from chapter members and business owners in the area.  

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Amberton University
Society for Human Resource Management
Ovation Health & Life Services
Texas SHRM
P.O. Box 8058
Tyler, Texas 75711 • 214-354-8740