September 2012
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SHRM Foundation Donations and SHAPE

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Donations from chapter and state council leaders are a strong demonstration of our leaders' commitment to the SHRM Foundation's charitable mission. As outlined in the SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) planning workbooks, your chapter or state council must conduct a Leadership Campaign in order to qualify for a Gold Award or Platinum Award.

To qualify for a Gold Award, you must encourage your board members to make a minimum individual donation of $25 each with a goal of 100% participation. To qualify for a Platinum Award, you must achieve 100% participation of board members making a minimum donation of $25 each. The SHRM Foundation prefers that individual donations of less than $25 per person be combined into one SHRM chapter or state council donation. When the chapter or state council makes a donation for board members, keep records of donations made, along with the individual’s names.


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