Good Employee Selection Practices makes a Difference

At a recent leadership development training program, I asked a question I regularly ask: Knowing what you know now, how many of your current employees would you re-employ?
Answer: about 60 percent.
This answer is consistent with previous groups I have trained, as well as general employment survey research. It means that poor employee selection decisions are regularly made. Suitable candidates are not being found. About 40 percent of employees are not performing well or as expected. In some way, they cause their management a problem. It may be poor attitude or interpersonal problems. It may be they cannot perform their duties properly. Are sound employee selection practices worth the effort?
In time management programs, I sometimes cite recruitment and selection as a good example of the "Pareto principle"—20 percent of the effort produces 80 percent of the results. It is worth a little extra effort to make a good selection rather than an average one. Spending the time to make a good decision is a sound investment. It is time well spent.
Managing performance problems is a constant theme raised by training participants. Amongst other things, poor performance consumes management time. It diverts attention away from more productive matters. Managing performance would not be a major issue if team leaders and managers exercised greater control in the recruitment and selection process.

Employee Selection Tips
The following tips may help:
• Establish clear requirements - what is expected of the position, what are the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to carry out the position responsibilities effectively?
• Probe the candidates in a variety of ways - ask what he or she would have done/would do in a variety of situations, test knowledge, seek demonstration of actual skills.
• Consider how they complement the other team members - what different attitudes and approaches do they bring?
• Make sure you are fully satisfied - a partially suitable candidate will only cause problems in the long run.

I apologize for listing such 'basic' tips. On the face of it, these tips seem relatively straightforward. However, doing them correctly is not easy. For example, thinking about appropriate and non-standard interview questions requires some time. Most candidates should have a coherent answer to:
• What are your strongest points?
• What are your weaknesses?

Behavioral questions are more helpful:
• What would you do if...?
• How have you approached... before?

Interviews are not the only thing to rely on; there are other selection techniques, as well.

The number of times I talk to managers and team leaders about performance problems, and discover that the problems existed from the very start, prompts me to reinforce the basics. Remember, team leaders and managers consistently rate their own performance (or their organizations) at only a 60 percent employment success rate. Successful employment practices rely on getting the basics right. It takes a little extra effort and some extra time, but that effort is well rewarded. An efficient and effective employee saves time and contributes positively to organizational success. A poor employment selection only brings problems and stress—even if the person leaves smoothly.

Derek Stockley provides training, learning and performance management consulting services from his base in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. He conducts a one-day recruitment and selection course in Melbourne as well as in-house training in job search and selection and interviewing. For more information, visit

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