TEXAS IS A BIG STATE: As we close out another year and prepare to start a new one, I would like to thank all of the SHRM HR Chapters across Texas that afforded me the opportunity to speak with their membership on Diversity and Inclusion. The hospitality and kindness was greatly appreciated.
For those that missed this opportunity, 2012 is just around the corner for the same opportunity.
BEST PRACTICES: As I traveled around Texas, I was always looking for that "Best Practice" that I could pass on to other SHRM chapters. Well I found a few and here they are:
The Concho Valley SHRM Chapter in San Angelo with Mary Smith as President and Veronica Sanchez as President-Elect have found a true Diversity Advocate in Bernie Coffee. Not only was she excited to assume the position, but took it a step further by producing a monthly newsletter titled: "Diversity Dish." The November Edition is posted on the SHRM TSC website under the Diversity Committee tab: http://www.texasshrm.org/default.asp?PageID=10009984. I look forward to posting the others that she shares with us. ·
The Austin HRMA Chapter with Wendy Chance as President, Lori Rohre as President-Elect, Jessica Olson as VP Diversity and Shirelle Zachary as Diversity Technology Director hosted a "Diversity Day." It has become a practice each year for AHRMA to dedicate a monthly program to diversity. The event includes diversity related professional development sessions in the morning and afternoon, as well as a luncheon speaker that will speaks on diversity related topics. Along with this, they have a robust website that provides programs and resources that promotes diversity as a strategic component in the individual and organizational success of their members. AHRMA Web link: http://austinhumanresource.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=304
DallasHR with Sandra Reid, Phd. as President, Bruce Waller, CRP as President-Elect and Gabriela Norton, SPHR as Diversity Director have established a HR Diversity Excellence Award to recognize and commend a worthy member on an annual basis for their leadership of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. HRDallas has continued this tradition since 2009. http://www.dallashr.org/DallasHR/HR_Resources/Diversity/DallasHR/HR_Resources/Diversity.aspx?hkey=f14cf74c-b99d-4341-893e-a10de8e26ca3
The Corpus Christi HRMA Chapter with Melissa Harrison as President and Angelina Olivares as their Diversity Leader, recently followed the lead of the SHRM Texas State Council and held their own Disability Awareness panel. This panel was made up of local advocates from: Deaf and Hearing Center Costal Bend Center for Independent Living Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Workforce Solutions of the Costal Bend Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS).
An excellent way to educate HR Professionals on individuals with differences, but also provide them with resources in the local area. In addition, if done correctly, it will also provide you with an opportunity to provide the membership with strategic HR credit through HRCI. My thanks to all of these chapters for setting the example. This does not mean that there are not other best practices out there, I just have not heard about them or been exposed to them. So if you have a best practice that you feel should be shared around the state, e-mail Dana or me. We will be sure to let the rest of Texas know.
PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION: How many of you are aware that during designated months, there is a Presidential Proclamation signed to recognize the contributions of the many that make up the USA. Below is the link for the last proclamation. National Native American Heritage Month, 2011 http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/11/01/presidential-proclamation-national-native-american-heritage-month-2011
2012 DIVERSITY CALENDARS: Wondering what days to recognize and just what is taking place each month that you should be aware of in the workplace? Visit www.diversitycalendar.com/more.html to obtain a hard copy or soft copy of the 2012 Global Novations calendar.
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Holiday season. I am looking forward to working with you in 2012.
Otis "Scotty" Scott
SHRM-TSC Diversity Chair
Texas SHRM