Texas Legislative HR Round Up - Register Today!

The Texas Legislative HR Round Up is a premier conference sponsored by the SHRM - Texas State Council in partnership with the Texas Association of Business (TAB) and the Texas Industry Liaison Groups (ILG).

This one of a kind event gives you the opportunity to stay on top of the latest legislative issues at the federal and state levels AND the opportunity to speak with your elected Texas officials.
Healthcare regulations, EEOC issues, OFCCP compliance, social media and privacy issues, immigration and National Labor Relations Board activity are just a few of the complex issues we face today. The 2013 Texas Legislative HR Round Up will be packed with speakers and concurrent sessions that will bring you up-to-date on the most recent legislative changes to ensure that you stay in compliance with the law. You will learn how Human Resource Professionals in Texas can have an impact for their companies, employees, and communities at large! 

Please plan to join us for the day and gain insight from our keynote speakers: Mike Aitken and Tommy Simmons as well as a collection of other top caliber speakers.

To learn more about the conference and to register simply log on to www.texashrlaw.org

Texas SHRM