Recognizing Those That Serve

Recognizing Those That Serve

By Otis "Scotty" Scott


The Society for Human Resource Management Texas State Council (Texas SHRM) guiding principle for 2013 has been "What’s In It For The Chapter (WIIFC)". As we (Texas SHRM) moved to make this a reality, one of the things that came to my mind is how we can make this real for our volunteers.

As Human Resource professionals, we realize that communication is invaluable both up and down the leadership/management chain. That being said; we have tried to ensure that local chapters had the opportunity to hear directly from the Texas SHRM. Face-to-face communication is invaluable when you’re trying to get a message across. Many of the TSC volunteer members; especially in our core leadership areas have done that and more to make sure that chapter members have had the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in key HR areas. Many of our local chapter’s leaders in the state of Texas have taken it a bit further by providing professional development seminars, symposiums and conferences for the members. To those I say "KUDOS" for making a difference to your members. Many of you would not have been able to make those opportunities possible without the chapter volunteers serving on your boards and the enthusiastic members that make up your chapters. I would personally like to thank each of you for your time, energy and support as we begin the fourth quarter of what has been an exciting year for the Texas SHRM.


The question now is - how do we continue this momentum? From a Diversity and Inclusion standpoint, I would say by making sure that we recognize our members for their efforts. As many of you know, a personal thank you goes a long way. Even more so, recognizing members among their peers and in the greater human resource community that we serve goes even further. Many of them have sacrificed time away from their families and friends to advance the human resource profession.


The National Diversity Council has an award for those that excel in upholding the principles of diversity and leadership, while personifying it in their daily lives. This is your opportunity to recognize those individuals that are still underrepresented in leadership roles, yet demonstrate the determination to make a difference through the Multicultural Leadership Award. This award will be presented at the 10thAnniversary of the Texas Diversity Council that is scheduled to be held in San Antonio, Texas, in the Spring of 2014.

The criteria to be considered:

To submit an individual for consideration:

Deadline to submit nominations: Still to be determined. Yet, we recommend nominations be prepared for submission not later than December 31, 2013.

Please submit your nomination in Word Document format to Jasmine Morrissette at


Do the right thing by ensuring that your candidate(s) receive the recognition that they deserve. The TEXAS SHRM is here to support and assist with your nomination packages, so please feel free to reach out to me at for further information or assistance.

Texas SHRM