Diversity Dish

The definition of diversity as defined in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary is: the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc., as well as the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization.

At Concho Valley SHRM we have Tiffany Lange, PHR, as our 2014 Diversity Director. Tiffany always manages to find a fun and innovative way to get things done. She is the Human Resource Manager at Gandy Ink in San Angelo, Texas.

Tiffany is constantly coming up with creative ways to inspire employees at the company. She has carried this same creative mentality to her position as Diversity Director. Instead of just an article, she has created a blog — Diversity Dish (http://cv-diversitydish.blogspot.com) — that is updated weekly. Tiffany’s unique way of looking at things always makes for an interesting and thought provoking read. When you have a moment, stop by Diversity Dish and take a look — I think you will be happy that you did!

By Donna McDurmitt, Member-at-Large, Concho Valley SHRM

Texas SHRM