Fort Worth

While FWHRMA is known for its networking and continuing education opportunities, its vast array of members are also standout citizens. After months of planning, members of FWHRMA participated in the Quality Control Program for the Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB). Quality Control involved individuals who sorted, inspected, and packaged food that was later distributed to TAFB’s hunger-relief agencies. Those who gave their time in Quality Control helped ensure that neighbors in need received safe and quality food. Not only did FWHRMA members help others in the community, they also did a little networking, they got to know each other, and they had a lot of fun.

I began working with TAFB in July to understand their needs and to see how FWHRMA could help. After touring the TAFB facility and meeting with Linda Smith, Director of Volunteer Services, we were able to coordinate a plan to rouse interest amongst members. Linda attended our August luncheon to speak to everyone regarding the October event; her knowledge and passion of TAFB made it an easy sell to get individuals involved. As VP of College and Community Relations, one of my goals since the start of the year was to get FWHRMA members more involved in the community, and TAFB was a terrific opportunity for everyone. I even had to turn away members who wanted to volunteer their time because we had quickly reached the allotted slots TAFB could accommodate, and that was not only a testament to the recognition garnered by TAFB, but also displayed the enthusiasm of FWHRMA members and their families. I am proud of everyone that took an interest and participated in Quality Control and I hope this can become a marquee event for FWHRMA and TAFB in the years to come.

Jon Evans
VP of College and Community Relations

Texas SHRM