Congress is Acting on NLRB's 'Ambush' Election Rule — Make Your Voice Heard!

Federal Legislative Action Alert – Support Efforts to Block NLRB’s Ambush Election Rule

Quickly Contact Your U.S. Senators to Urge Support for S. J. Res. 8

Legislation has been introduced in the House and Senate, in the form of resolutions of disapproval, to block the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB’s) "ambush" election rule. The ambush election rule gets its nickname because of its focus on speeding up the union election process at the expense of both employees and employers, who will have insufficient time to understand the consequences of unionization in the workplace. SHRM believes the ambush election rule constitutes an imbalanced approach that limits its employer free speech during union organizing campaigns. It is critically important for Congress to hear from the HR community about the need to quickly pass this joint resolution of disapproval prior to the NLRB rule’s April 14, 2015 effective date.

SHRM supports S. J. Res. 8 and we need your help! SHRM has directly advocated to members of Congress and their staffs, as well as sent letters to both the Senate and House, highlighting concerns on behalf of the HR profession. SHRM has also filed a lawsuit challenging the NLRB ambush election rulemaking – notable in that it is only the third time SHRM has challenged a federal rule in court.

Please email your U.S. Senators and ask them to support this important legislation for employers and employees when it comes to the Senate for a vote.


Email your Senators using SHRM’s easy-to-use HR Policy Action Center:

1. Visit SHRM’s Policy Action Center by clicking HERE.

2. Fill out your contact information (be sure to enter your home mailing address since the system will correctly match you to your federal congressional district).

3. Personalize the template email language to include your message with your own story.

4. Click "submit."

On Twitter? Be sure to follow @SHRMATeam, @SHRMKellyH, and the rest of SHRM’s Government Affairs team for timely updates on this issue.

For questions regarding the NLRB "ambush" rule, or if you encounter any problems with the SHRM HR Policy Action Center site, please contact the Government Affairs team at

Thank you for taking action on this critical issue!

Texas SHRM